Ever feel a song playing in your mind in the middle of a conversation?...well im not speaking 'bollywood' here...just those certain ocassions where u dont know what to say and all that the situation reminds you are certain lyrics of a certain song which couldent have said it better....
well there are some songs which speak out for u..some which keep u wondering how on earth the writer knew what exactly uve been feeling...and then there are those which u dont want to hear only because they might drive u crazy with their wonderful lyrics and their significance in your life..
despite of being the incessant chatterbox that i am, there have been situations wherein i dint what to say and all i did was come back home and hear the wonderful song which had been buzzing in my mind all along...now u might call me a drama queen for this..what-e-ver! :-/
but seriously, wouldent it be wonderful if we could just break into a song like in the movies and then maybe the person at the other end would know exactly what we are feeling...i know that would be a bit silly if overdone :D (imagine someone going "oh this reminds me of..." every 5 minutes and worse still if the person is supposed to be someone who's technically not programmed to tread the singing arena :p)..
but neverthless it still would be flattering and soo perfect when coming from the right person...eh?
Was just thinking along these lines and thought why not start a dedication post right here on 'nostalgic moments'...and so here it is!!
go right ahead...give me your dedications and il'l drop a small note on the respective blog and ask him/her to come by to hear u out :D
and who knows---what this might start...some misunderstandings might be cleared..some feelings might be expressed...new friendships may be born...and some bonds might just get stronger...
so go right ahead and express your hears desire...and u dont need to shy away...nobody and i mean NOBODY would ever reject a dedication because it sure is a wonderful gesture to tell someone u care about them....

so just like in the umpteen dedication-posts that have happened in blogsville in the past, this one makes sure you
1) u have to leave behind the name of the song (u are more than welcome to include a youtube link/audio link..or even put a song clipping in your own voice only if ur exceptionally talented in that dept though-u wouldent want us to blame u for a headache would u?) along with the name and blog url of the person u want to dedicate it to...and urs truly would do the rest *angelic smile*
2) no hate messages or songs which can evoke resentment in any way please because "nostalgic moments" is not here to bring down someones spirits or sadden/hanger/hurt someone...so in case u hate someone and want to express it, go find your own way out...
3) u are free to leave along with the song, a few words--for the person u are dedicating the song to..itll only add to the effect *points to the halo over her head*
4) u are free to give out dedications to as many number of people u want and multiple dedications to the same person are also allowed...
5) this will go on for a week after which the post will be closed...so remember there is a deadline (17/1/09) and please dont take ages deciding whether to put in a dedication or not..u dont want to be late :)

so lets start, people!!...let me play messenger to your dedications and spread some joy..its not everyday that i get to do that (being the mean scrooge i normally am) :D
leave your inhibitions, hesitations and irritations behind and join in...
live and let live.....
love and let love...
cheers to me (ok ok to you as well) :D
*takes a bow*
Wow!priyanka thats a great idea that you chanced upon.
this happens to me too many times when i conversed with this particular person though our relationship is anything but love this old hindi number keeps coming to me all the time "mera tujhse tha pehele ka natha koi,yuhi nahi dil lubhata koi.and you could never get to show him my dedication as he is not into blogs but still it felt good to share it with you. cheers! and oh yeah! i dedicate it to a certain MR.A
what abt a dedication to you? temme the song and ill try to play it on video!!
@ shruti
thanks shruti...and im sure ul be lucky in love...afterall ur the one who inaugrated the chain :D
and about this person, i wish i could let him know...but neverthless thanks for sharing the wonderful song :)
@ chriz
im flattered..thankyou :)
but i leave the choice to you..sing any song u like..we all know what a fine singer u are
hey doc pri, good idea, infact awesome wala ji,
my dedication :
1st one to Aquie @ valiantexpressions.blogspot.com
"Yeh dosti hum nahi chodenge" from sholay :)
what if she doesn't blog?
anyways the lines are:
"aap ho to yeh jahan hai
aap nehein to kuch bhi nehein"
don't ask me name/what/where... *blushes*
thanks sammie:) i am honoured, flattered and thankful!!
Hope this goes a long way:) Hope all good things come your way:) Luv n luck always:)
thnks pri, very thoughtful idea:) makes me nostalgic, perfect song playing on your page!!
@ sam
thanks...aquagirl has been notified about your dedication :)
will let u know when she comes over to check it out...
seeya around!
@ abhishek sim
aww...thats really sweet...
hope that special someone already knows since i cant reach out ur dedication to her :(
but if i do know her or if shes a blogger who's stopped blogging then i could still try and direct her to this post somehow just in case u want :)
neverthless u can dedicate something to ur blogger buddies if u want and let me pass it on to them and get that smile on their faces...
take care and thanks for sharing ur dedication with us! :)
Wow wow wow.. Such a cool idea Pri.. And such a good gesture by u as well to play the messenger :) *points to the halo* ;)
Let me start compiling my dedications :D
my dedication, thnks in advance
Sam @ http://lifebeyondobvious.blogspot.com/
this one's one of my fav videos, hope life is like that for you always:)
@ aquagirl
ur most welcome :)
@ urv
thanks...and yaa get compiling them...waiting to pass on ur dedications and spread some smiles around :)
Pri... here goes my first dedication. Depending upon the intensity of pitayee I can decide whether can i send it to others...
Song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txv7RCe8DXM
Dedicated to : http://www.blogger.com/profile/01023126998314268275
This one for genius guy who call himself stupidosaur (http://saying-private-yarn.blogspot.com/) haven't seen him from longtime ..
For Ne-
"Dekh kar tum ko yakeen hota hai. Koi itna bhi haseen hota hai. Dekh paate hain kahan ham tumko dil kahin hosh kahin hota hai ...."
For Macadamia:-
"kitni der tak tum baahar rukogi...
kitni der tak mein rukuun yahaan...
kitni der tak tum sochati rahogi
yeh mein bhi dekhunga...
kitni der tak tum, mujhe na kahogi...."
For Keshi_
"kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum...."
@ nitin
heyyy im flattered...and thats a 'cloud 9' song...thankyou!
koi paagal hi hogi jo pitai karegi :D
have informed stupidosaur about ur dedication...
@ sid
phew!! now thatll need some extra effort since u dint leave behind any bloglink.
but will do it neverthless...
dont forget to leave the name of the blogger along with the bloglink next time...
aquie, this was just a casual sa song for u, wud dedicate one more good one :)
more reflective of what i feel for u:)
u know u hv been very special and the BEST!!!
thanks doc for this wonderful initiative
for sid (do i need to leave d link ;) )
n yeah its even playin on ur page :D
del my previous comment...i got confused abt d song :P
for sid - yaaron
yaaron dosti badi hi haseen hai, yeh na ho to kya fir bolo yeh zindagi hai
this goes to a very dear friend and the best humanbeing i have known.
doc, you are a real sweetheart :)
pls see: im reminding tht u still have not added me on orkut :c
@ sam
the pleasure is all mine..it feels good being messenger to such sweet messages :)
@ mayz
yep..nice coincidence that its the very same song playing on my blog ;)
the message has already reached him.
@ rahul
tujhe toh pehle hi bata diya tha that i wont add u till u make a 'normal' orkut account :P
so al the best!
but heyy thanks a lot for the sweet dedication...per itna sad sad gaana kyon?? :(
For Mayz-
"jahan teri yeh nazar hai meri jaan mujhe khabar hai...bach na saka koi....."
(Tks for song!!!)
Sid, I have No doubt that it is a lovely song because it came from you. Ofcourse I don't kno what it means but I am sure that Mayz and or You can tell me.. Or I'll get my Translator to tell me... LOL!!
Sid- Remember this all the time! I even found the lyrics to this.
Mayz: My Funny Valentines
Arv.. Thoughts on the wall
Sameera- Sameera's Haven
@ calm b4 the storm
please leave behind the blog links (not just the blog name) along with your dedication as it wouldent be possible to reach ppl who's blogaddress i dont know...
@Ne : Thanks for the dedication!Love ya :*
You got it Pri..
This is Ne btw aka Singlendacity
I'll do it Next time if I have one! lol!!
Sammy your so welcome.. Love you also!
@Pri : Thanks for dropping by to notify :)
Here are some dedications I would like to make :
@Lena(http://it-is-all-my-world.blogspot.com/) :
@Preetilata(http://mywhitewindow.blogspot.com/) :
@Divya(http://lukkydivz.blogspot.com/) :
@Ne(http://singlendacity89.wordpress.com/) :
@Divkiran(http://silentbeauty2001.blogspot.com/) :
@Arv(http://thoughtsonthewall.blogspot.com/) :
@Keshi(http://keshigirl.blogspot.com/) :
P.S. Keshi,please discard that first video,I got the original one here :)
@ nehya
cool ne!!...hope to see u around sometime soon..im sure ul have to make it here pretty often considering the number of dedications ur gonna get :)
@ sameera
ur most welcome sammy...and almost fainted after seeing ur list..heehee..now ive got loads of work to do :D
take care and seeya around soon...
For Nidhi
"Ruk jana nahi tu kahi haar ke..kaato pe chal ke milenge saaye bahar ke, o rahi o rahi"
You are one brave hearted girl!! u got spirits to fight and emerge victorious!!!
my salute to your guts and fightin spirits buddy!!
For Ria :
"candle in the wind (Elton John)
@ memoirsofria.blogspot.com
Wish you Ria, a great life ahead with all success and happyness of life with tremendous love from him always with you...
Loads of luck!!
For Raka @ http://waves-of-light.blogspot.com/
"Desi girl"
From Dostana :)
Wish u lots of luck n love friend!!!
For Sayani @ http://happytheelife.blogspot.com/
"baakhuda tum hi ho" to the ever happy, optimistic n rare bloggie friend :)
Loads of luv n luck :)
For Doc Pri
"Hero" by Enrique....
for this wonderful great initiative :)
my first attempt didnt go through i think, hope this one does
dedicated to sam @ http://lifebeyondobvious.blogspot.com/
this is one of my fav videos, hope life always rocks for you like this song:)
the video is here
For:- Nehya From:-Mayz
Lena dear,that was so cute!I wonder how you know I love that song and the video :P
Hi Pri :)
someone has come up with a cool idea.. here are my dedications :)
Sami @ http://desiduck.blogspot.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVHjPGywnx4
Preeti @ http://mywhitewindow.blogspot.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb4C3Q7XhKk
Divs, you know the url - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q_7QG2d528
Mehreen @ http://pink-loves-brown.blogspot.com/ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BVbV0CzeyI
sorry dear, had to rewrite comment for obvious reasons :)
i didnt get that???!!!
For-The man
for neyha
for trinaa
can i dedicate a song to myself :D
lol...sid n me dedicated d same song to me :D
gee thanks :D
im flattered!!
will be back with a dedication
*hugs* pri you did an amazing job!!love u loads for this one..
this is for the man
hi dear...
nopes i didnt find any :)
awww this is a very cool idea for a post Pri! I like it. Cos Im crazy abt songs too :) And ur right...sometimes all u wanna do is sing a song for someone...for a writer who identifies exactly how u feel!
Sid ty so much! :) Im smiling here...
**For Keshi_
"kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum kahaan ho tum...."
but wut does that mean? :) Sorry I dunno Hindi all that much...so tell me.
Pri I'll come with my dedications to others as soon as I can ok? tnxx hun!
OMG Sameera I love 'Ganga Addara'!!! Its one of my fav Sinhalese songs!
Listening to it on youtube gave me gossebumps! TY SO MUCH I LOVE YA KELLE!
I'll come bak with my dedication to u soon :)
MWAH! Im so happy that u identified a Sinhalese song that I really love!
Here is my first set of heartfelt dedications:
Ay Mere Hamsafar
Unmaada Vu
Suraj Hua Maddam
Tuje Deka To ye
Ho Gaya Hai
Bhool Gaya Sab Kuch
:) Will come bak with more dedications later on.
Chandra-Jumpin Jumpin
Chandra- man eater LOL!
Mayz- Halo
Arv-99 problems & A, B aint one of them! hahahaha
Mike-My Pocket Full of sunshine
Hi Pri,
Thanks to Ne & Samee for their dedications...
am gonna put up just one song to my sis Ne and my long time mates Keshi, Mayz, Divkiran, Samee & Lena, GP - http://humanuniverse.blogspot.com/
Cindy - http://intelligensia-cinderella.blogspot.com/
and to you obviously.
I'm also sending this song out to my blogroll but you can skip the
notification part :)
Take care and have a nice day...
@ keshi
please leave behind the blog links along with the dedication...
i dunno the blog addresses of saurish and hemz in the above list..so pls update me so that i can pass ur msg onto them ASAP :)
thanks for the lovely dedication btw..i was soo much in love with 'QSQT' once upon a time (thats the movie the song is from).
@ lena
yup..got that :)
no problem...
@ sam
thanks for the dedication :)
@ mayz
lol!! sure u can dedicate songs to urself too :D
@ all
phew! this really is quite an exhausting job...like someone put it all the running will make me lose some weight :p
but im really enjoying it...hope u all are too!
my list is still pending though..sigh!
keep it going..
cheers!! :)
oops sorry Pri! :)
:(( No dedications for me :(( Nevermind, I'd like to dedicate 'Sadi Galli' to everyone :)
I want to dedicate to all my friends and well wishers....
"Tu jo nahi hai toh kuch bhi nahi hai, Mana kee mehfil jawa hai haseen hai...."
Good one!!!!
here come my set of dedications:
1) Sam -
I'll be there for you by The Rembrandts
2) Keshi -
Pure Shores by All Saints
3) Raka -
You are beautiful by James Blunt
4) Aneri Masi -
Beautiful Day by U2
5) Pri -
What a girl wants by Christina Aguilera
for keshi -
beautiful stranger
From Sid to all the girls
Bachna ae Hasino
From Neyha to all the men
For Neyha
Aa chalke tujhe
hey pri. so ncie u left a comment on my blog for dedication. BTW i agree with u at times good songs talks it al. recently m high on song of fashion called shayad ye pyar hai ;)
@Sam thanks so much.. m feeling lil bad.. my day started in a bad note.. called up a fren whn i was still inmy bed and he screwed it all.. :( :(
thanks for dedication. helped !!
@Pri - thanks so much for being sweet angel or say sweet messenger for carry msg around.. muah
hello m back after leaving two comments already.
my post is lil completcated. nw i knw whts it all abt..
acha my dedication to peter ( the piglet)
his blog url is http://peter-blogvibes.blogspot.com/ and for harshita - http://harshitawriteslikethis.blogspot.com
dedication link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbpvgGYGCas&feature=related
ok if u found that sad-sad here is another one for you :)
to dr priyanka,
from me
Wow! Thanks Ria!
And thanks Pri for hosting this! Its cute :)
ok here goes out my first dedication to bhawana on her special day...today, the 11th of jan is her birthday...
so heres hoping a a great year and a beautiful life ahead :)
thanks for the dedication mayz! :)
n pri..lovely idea gal!! :)))
this goes out from me to SID aka sidhant aka writer of "the beginning"
i know ul hate me for the 'SRK' video..but still!! :D
to MAYZ who is known to rekindle the faith in love through his words :)
wholly inspired by ur posts, here goes---
:D :D
for KESHI :)
(when it comes to you, i want to say "i know ul dance"..and even though we dont agree on everything and our views differ sometimes, i want you to know that i love your honesty and 'straight-from-the-heart frankness..heres hoping u get the best in life!)
for the special girl on her birthday
shehzadi hai koi
for the ever enchanting illusion (http://illusionzandmore.blogspot.com/)
something stupid
for the beautiful swats(http://serenegurl.blogspot.com/)
i'm the best
and this for d sweet you :)
wah wah ram ji :D :D ( m gonna get so bashed for this)
ok here I go....
To Dr. Pri
Thats my band performing the covers for "Mary did you know".. It is my favorite ever song.. and I dedicate this song to you now...
Am also doing the covers for "saying I love you.... More than words".. will upload soon in yutube..
God bless
@ everyone
thanks for appreciating the gesture and making this sucha huge success :)
music is in the air for sure :D
@ mayz
:D dont worry...il'l help u find a safe spot to hide from him..lol!! :p
@ chriz
heyy dint know u had a band of ur own..that is a very nice song..
thankyou for sharing :)
all the best for the upcoming venture...
take care and god bless
Chand sifarish jo karta tumhari...
this song goes out from me to EVERYONE whom blogspot has introduced me to...we rock!! :D
this goes out to RAHUL AND THE WHOLE GANG (its ur duty to inform them of it rahul since none of you useless ppl blog..sigh!)
this song always gets me nostalgic about the first time i was introduced to 'the gang'---yaad hain tujhe?? :D
that moment is captured in my memory forever and i will never let it go...
cheers to friendship!
Mayz, ure funny! lolz..thnx :)
and Pri, thank u so much for stopping by :)
wow..gr8 idea...sweet way to express feelings..love it :-)
Sometimes its best to express urself dis way..as words leave us exactly wen we need dem the most..!
you go girl...!
I am making a story thru songs..will send u once m done wid it..!
Btw wanna dedicate a song to d one i love...he does not have a blog.. :-(
" aaoge jab tum saajana,anganna phool khilenge..barsega saawan..do dil aise milenge.."
Thanks !!
For Pri:
For you and your spirit....
For Ankur :
Cld not find a video but the song is from Khatta Meetha 1977 - Deven varma - Mummy oh Mummy to kab sas banegi...
For Satish :
One song for the gujjus gang :
Aneri Masi: (http://anerimasissoapbox.blogspot.com)
Hiren :(http://happyhiren.blogspot.com)
KP :
For Jaggu :
Ps please tell jaggu that it is from ceedy or else he will not know....
thanks :)
to MAYZ aka the MAZE
this is in reply to ur latest post...dunno the exact context in which it was written..but just want to tell u that i hope u have a visitor knocking soon---happiness :)
awwwwwwww thnku so much
to CHRIZ because only the one who knows his notes well can understand the sound of silence ;)
@ ankita agrawal
thankyou :)
its an old concept actually but its a big hit everytime..just goes out to say how much we want to express but sometimes dont have the chance to :)
heyy and im looking fwd to ur song-story...
thats a lovely song uve dedicated btw...wish it could reach him somehow...u could give him my blog link and ask him to chk out...or better still u could sing it for him--nothing would beat that :D
seeya around
@Pri - tks!!!! nthng against the song except fr the fact that it had yr fav person in it!
@ceedy, thanks :) That was hilarious!
HAHAH! I hope you like this..(((HUGS)))
Pri, I like dedicate this song to you. I hope you can access it, if not let me kno at least I can get you the lyrics.. during all of this you have been ripping back and forth to my blog letting me kno about my dedication and everyone else.
Mariah Carey ... HERO!!!
Thanks Pri!
Mayz, Sid, Sameera, Arv and anyone else I left out..cause I cant see and cannot find my glasses right now!
Thank You so much for the dedications they are all Special in their own way!
Pri you got me crying over here! lol lol
I hope I'll be able to get here and read this tomorrow and look at all of the dedications..
mayz.. I don't think Ill be saying that to all the boys.. Just one!!
HEy thats such a splendid idea!
though im new at blogger...dont know whom to dedicate and what!
@ ne
thanks for the lovely song.
here is my dedication for ya---NE aka SINGLENDACITY :)
hope u like it...
this one is for DIVZ aka DIVYU
so just hang in there and i hope all your dreams come true :)
@ meera
thats ok girl...now that we are pretty old at 'blogger' yet we are facing pretty much the same problem :D
sometimes even words and songs fail to express what u want to say...
neverthless here's one of my favs for you---
Thank You NeNe. Thank you Pri for letting me know This is great I am brand new to this and I have dedications.
I have to really think before I add a dedication.
Again Thanks.
ok im dedicating this to MYSELF :D :D
(need to keep reminding myself of this one)
cheers! :)
hey so nice of u to start something like that....
and I knew that my sissy will have sumthing in store for me...
msg for keshi....(keshigirl.blogspot.com)
u r the best sister one can ever have...u r sweet and sober and simple and sweet again....oops i lost words....
for ya a song straight from my heart... though sang by someone else :P
haan bilkul yaad hein.teri to grand entry huyi thi.i was talking to nikhil and aarti about it today morning and remembering those days.
woh cutting chai, sakharam ke samose aur upar se woh madam rajashree ki astronomical class or was it din mein taare dekhna? i remember how much u used to yawn during it. :))
this is for u from the gang
sab chale gaye apne apne raaste :(
tu bata, US kab aa rahi hein?
first of all hi ..that's so innovative and great :) idea
Okay here goes my dedication
Sam @http://lifebeyondobvious.blogspot.com/
"no matter what they tell us ...
For jyotsana @http://eveonearth.blogspot.com/
" Am alive .....
And Loads of luv for Sam and jyotsana ...a really rare species of blogger frend :)
@ceedy -> thnks bud for the dedication ... :)
@pri -> you have got a nice space here ... and yea .. this is a wonderful gesture of volunteering to be a messenger ... kudos to u !!! got to rush now ... will be back for my dedications ...
have a good day ahead !!!
my dedication to
1.Dr.Rosh @godyears.blogspot.com
-Mundhinam Parthene - Tamil song from Movie Vaaranam Aayiram..
2. Saim @cataclysmofreality.blogspot.com/
Justin Timberlake - Wat Goes Around Comes Around
3. Pri
Crazy town - Butterfly... Come lady, come come my lady.. you are my butterfly
this is going out to 'MAYANK' and 'HE AND SHE (BOTH)-KNOW-WHO' ;p
i tried soo much to find the whole song on youtube..but ul'l have to hear the audio version seperately for the complete version :(
but it just wouldent be complete without the video :D
heres the audio clip on imeem---
happy listening both of you! :)
PS:- The above dedication-seems perfect for Mayank n nehya....
For Nehya:-
"" despite of being the incessant chatterbox that i am"" I Agree Yourhonour!
A song from The furobiker to everybody on this floor..
Ooo thande thande paani se.. nahana chahiye..
ooo thande thande paani se.. nahana chahiye
Gaana aaye ya na aaye.. gaana chahiye
Keep up the good spirits doc..
btw i din knew that your were a cardio (dil ki doctor ) :D :D
Finally a song for you Doc
Ek lakh lakh pardesi doc.. nobody like my desi doc.. :)
from the movie dostana
(always wanted to ask u one question--tumne engg exams mein kitne ande khaye the?? :p
hope ur enjoying in the african jungles right now...
and congrats on the new 4-wheeler..company ke p[aiso per aish kar!! :D)
khush khush raho tum :)
sorry, couldn't dig up youtube video links ... but have tried to provide sufficient description to identify the songs ...
- Keshi (http://keshigirl.blogspot.com/)
'My dream is to fly over the rainbow so high ...' - Song "Rise Up"; Artist "Yves Larock"
Keshi, mate ... here's a spririted song for the highly spirited soul ... :)
- Ceedy (http://ceedyreflections.blogspot.com/)
'Main Jahan Rahoon ...' - Movie "Namastey London"; Artist "Rahat Fateh Ali Khan"
bro, the way you feel about Mumbai ... this song's for ya :)
- Pri
'Dil Chahta Hai ....' - Movie "Dil Chahta Hai" Artist "Shankar Mahadevan"
Pri, this one is for you and this post of yours :)
- for all my friends in blogville
'I will be there for you ...' - Album "Friends"; Artist "Rembrandts"
- dedication to self (http://hiren-qq.blogspot.com/)
'Hum kis gali jaa rahein hai, apna koi thikana nahi ...' - Album "Doorie"; Artist "Atif Aslam"
This one is for me ... :)
Thanks Pri
Thanks Ne -
Here's one for you...hope you can solve this one
@ceedy:)...thanks buddy:). that was good one!
tnxx Ria I love that song! :) ur beautiful sweetie!
tnxx Arv HUGS!
tnxx Pri I love that song! ur such a swt-hrt! And abt wut u said...yes, we dun hv to always agree but we know we love each other somehow. And thats all that matters HUGS!
OMG Bro I sooo love that song! ty Im stoked! :) very touching lyrics too. I luv ya bro ur the bestest bro ever!
Hiren ty so much! *HUGZ* wut beautiful lyrics! I feel honored to receive that dedication from someone like u!
Mayz ty so much! :) I love that song. HUGS!
More dedications to more ppl I love here:
For sweet Ria:
You can do magic by America
For gentle Arv
Even the nights by Air Supply
For caring Hiren
Take my breath away by Berlin
For dearest Southy
Just feel better by Santana
For dahlin Ne
1973 by James Blunt
more will come later on :)
tnxx all!
And this one's for my bro Sourish again - an English one this time.
Behind blue eyes by Limp Bizkit
Pri come n read my current post when u hv time ok :)
@ keshi
thankyou soo much keshi..that post left me speechless
@ sam, abhishek, rahul, mayz, ria, the rat, keshi, ceedy, ne, chriz, hobo and nitin
thanks a lot for ur dedications...left me flattered and smiling :)
@ all
i love the way this is going..4 more days and itll be over..but i hope the smile these dedications brought about, will remain with us forever :)
thanx a lot for the dedication. but am not the old satish now. not that much "talli hua" thing.
anyways, my dedication for u, my bhai.
thanx a lot for making this platform. long time since i was here. will check out regularly.
btw, forgot to put up ceedy's blogname in the post above. it's:
so u are passing on messages? nice idea. :)
but one drawback of this idea is if u expect a dedication from someone u care about and if he or she does not pass one for you, then it wont spread smiles na? kya kehti ho doc??
but keep up the good work hah.
my dedication for you
chand ne kuch kaha from the movie dil to paga hain..
hows it going cupid doc :D
btw maine tumko itna accha gaana dia.. tumne mujhe anda maara :O :O :O
@ adi
arre yeh compulsory toh nahi ki jise tum gaana dedicate karo, woh bhi tumhe gaana dedicate kare...these dedications show that u care but not dedicating does not mean u dont care :)
maybe the person ur waiting for is not aware of this post...
and if my guess is right about the one u are expecting to receive a dedication from, then listen to the song u urself have dedicated for me...usme ek para hain---
"jispe hum mar mite, usko pata bhi nahi...kya gila hum kare woh bewafa bhi nahi...humne jo sun liya usne kaha bhi nahi..ae dil zara sochkar, pyaar kar!"
cheer up! :)
and thanks for the sweet song...it happened to be my fav once upon a time (when i was a kid..lol!)
aur ek advice--tu uske liye kuch dedicate kar le..dil se..without any expectations! (i know difficult hain per chalta hain yaar...pyaar hain toh hain..lakh chupaye nahi chupta) :)
sorry for the ultra long lecture...but u know me! :D
@ abhishek
arre kuch bhi! kitna accha philosophical gaana hain :D
wahan south africa ke jungle mein baithke teri akal ghaas khane gayi hain...main kahan anda maring? ;)
main toh sirf "ande ka funda" bataying :p
thought u wud like it...tum kabhi nahi sudhroge!! :(
This one's for sweet Satish...
Tanhayee dil chata hai
Pri tnxx to u there were alot of SMILES cos of this post! LUV YA. HUGS!
This one's for sweet Suresh
Vaseehara from Minnale
This one's for dahlin Rat
Bed of roses by Bon Jovi
And this one's for Chriz
Are u lonesome tonight by Elvis Presley
hi pri,
first, thanx so much for putting up something wonderful like this....
i would like to dedicate:
Yanni-November Sky (can be heard on you tube)to sayani at happytheelife.blogspot....just want to let her know how happy i am to meet her ....and to jackie at amateurpoet77.blogspot ....for being my sista....and for the love that i feel for both of them...AND Yanni- Almost a Whisper for twicedoubleyou at twicedoubleyou.blogspot for being so close to heart....
and love again to pri for giving us such a terrific platform for connecting...
hey girll thanks a bunch for the lovely clip... so very thrilled
Been a busy few weeks... just came across this now.. well, I'll dedicate this one to you only.
It's Maroon 5's "She will be loved."
welcome....this is going great
you got that right....now the song has a whole new meaning to it for me
sorry buddy I did not know you dont get talli...but still we will atleast go upto tal....and thanks for the song :)
thanks a bunch.. yes i am lonelyyyyy.. hehe.. and elvis sure is my hero.. love his style.. thanks once again...
@ dr roshan R
thanks soo much for the dedication :)
here's my song to you...the video only adds to its charm...hope u enjoy it as much as i did...
[this video always gets me nostalgic...and though we have studied in different medical colleges, we both know how it goes :)]
for keshi
its pay back time... this one is one of my favorite songs...
by beatles.. by one of my favorite voices.. john lennon
the song is --- oh Girl
For Princess Mia
Something you are probably missing
PRI (in reply to your above comment to me)
she knows about this post.i told her myself :(
so by quoting those lines from the song u mean to say that that one-sided love is valid?
my song for her:
"thoda sa pyaar hua hai thoda hain baaki"
thanks Pri and Ceedy for ur dedications!! :)
Cheers!! !
Thank you so much for inviting me!
Good luck and hope to hear from you!
Put A Ring On It :O
wild Horses.. I know you love this song.
At last: "You have felt real love"
Mayz, http://letterstomayank.blogspot.com/
This is my dedication for you and her
Mayz, also it is Jordan Sparks & Chris Brown singing NO Air
awww ty Chriz I really love the Beatles and John Lennon the most. Lovely song there :) U made me smile...o boy! ;-)
@ Keshi
That is one of my all time favourites. I like those romantic lines in the middle para like, "Angeyu Poongamalam Dhina Vittleyi Nee Vendum" The song with the video is too romantic
So here's one to you keshigirl.blogspot.com
A song of one winner to another. Jai Ho from slumdog millionaire.
Oh wow..Wat a time to be a first timer in this space..Dats a superb idea u've struck upon..kudos!!
So,here I go wid my dedication to the master brain behind this.. :)
Keeps getting better-christina aguilera...
this is for ya and am blogrollin ya rite away.. :)
take care..
cheers.. :)
pri-- the sweet person who started this all :)...
keshi--the only person who gave me a dedication here and in her blog :)....
my most fav song of all time :))
i have more dedications give me more time :)...
@ Keshi...
Aaaaawwww.... Love u Keshi girl..
Thankkoo Darling
OMG Suresh I loved it! Thats the hot new movie na..I so wanna see it. I heard so much abt it.
I love the melody and the music in this song...soo peaceful and romantic! :)
ty n HUGS!
awww Hemz that is such a beautiful dedication! love the lyrics...u made my heart melt in LOVE..in total silence :) ty n HUGS!
Rat u deserve it...cos u always made me feel better, even tho we dunno each other all that much yet. I rem when I was leaving blogville, ur first comment in my blog made me think alot...and I was touched.
I remember...
Pri ur doing such a huge and difficult task here...kudos to ya! I LOVE UR ATTITUDE!
@ nikhil
thanks for blogrolling..im honoured...as for this post, it only makes me happy to send these msgs across :)
@ hemanth
thanks but i dunno whether to take this dedication as a compliment or something else...lol!!
as the lyrics go,
*there is no kindness in your eyes*
*If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too...**
really?? :-/
this is for niks
this is for aarti
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQfqq8dcds8 ;)
i only meant stranger ...nothin to be with the lyrics...ooh god ur kind to do this wonderful job of dedication were no one has done...thats really a gr8 thing...thats lot of love u have shown to all ur frds my putting this post...dont take to heart ...its just i put the dedication as i started of as a stranger now :)..
ur always welcome sweets :)..
just blog rolled ya :)..if u dont mind :)...have a nice day :)..
the previous one was since we were strangers to be at beginnin...:)..now since i know u :P..heheh..this is my dedication
enrique's top song for me :)...for sweet person pri..as keshi certified :)..kiddin..can i put ur post link in my blog..i wanted to do something :)...
for nidhi (http://rajeekhushi.blogspot.com/)
for shruti (http://shruti-fleetingthoughts.blogspot.com/)
for raka (http://waves-of-light.blogspot.com/)
for chan from him ;)(http://theenchantress01.blogspot.com/)
and this is for ratz
for her straight from her heart stuff...one classic song! platters! ->ONLY you....
1 )this is for the marketing legend Shiv "my friend"
2) wolf @ anusha for her love for the six pack body!!
3)roger @ clement
@ Keshi...
:-) i remember too.. that was one of the first posts i delurked at ur blog... didnt feel good wen i read u wr leaving.. my heart compelled that i shud say something and i did...
@ chriz...
thanks yaar... elated and touched.. thats a lovely song and awesome lyrics..
onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......
to neyha from the man
@ everyone
thanks for making this sucha huge success..and thanks for all ur dedications :)
i have to cut short this post because of a coupla issues im facing right now..so my sincere apologies for that...
please do not worry about me..im okay..and hope to get back here very soon...sooner than u think :)
take care
and please keep smiling!
(my apologies to the last few ppl who i havent been able to notify...i hope they have the msg passed onto them one way or the other)
@ everyone
hi guys..i am leaving the comment section to this post open again, on your suggestion since many of you were a bit upset that u couldnot thank/dedicate/reply to people whohad made dedications to you...
however i may no longer be able to play 'messenger' as effectively...but that shouldent stop you :)
take care
and all the best!
@ hemanth
sorry for the late reply...ofcourse u can put the post link to ur blog :)
and thanks for blogrolling me...im honoured...
@ rahul
loved your dedication to niks and aartu ;)
aartu ki bahot tang khichi...tu jald hi marne wala hain beta...heehee
to my angel dr pri
"tum itna jo muskura rahe ho, kya gham hein jisko chupa rahe ho" from the movie arth
@ rahul
shhh..aise raaz bataya nahi karte :)
a sher i'd read somewhere on that same note---(shayad tujhe suna chuki hoon..but neways)
"ansoon ko ankhon ki dehleez pe laya nahi karte...
apne gham kisi ko bataya nahi karte...
log mutthi bhar namak liye ghuma karte hain...
apne zakhm kisi ko dikhaya nahi karte"
take care :)
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