take me by the hand and lead me out...
i have been waiting way too long...
behind this closed door i stand,
the walls painted red decide my fate...
hold me close to you today...
free me not from these invisible chains...
for i might run away again,
from you from here from everyone...
hold me and never let me go...
the night is close and the dawn soo far...
take me by the hand and lead me out,
but not to leave me for i might wander...
and if i do, i know not when,
i will find my way back here again...
its been so long that im living here,
and now i am very much secure...
i want to sleep in your arms,
but dont loosen ur grip on me, i plead...
for i might run away from here,
and never return this way again...
so take me by the hand and lead me out,
but follow close i want you to...
dont let me wander too far away,
cos im afraid of the night so dark,
which seems for long has come to stay...
so dont leave me alone in the woods,
tie me up and keep me near...
let me stay by your side,
make this lonely night dissapear...
so take me by the hand and lead me out,
show me the stars and the moon in the sky...
but hold me close dont let me go,
in pursuit of the stars so far...
i might wander and never come back..
i might vanish in the night so black...
and then know not how to return,
get lost forever never to learn,
that the stars and the moon have nothing to say,
and that they'd vanish by the crack of day...
and touch them if i dare to try,
i'd have to agree to burn and die...
and leave u forever and go away...
so bind me and hold me close,
for i know not how to live without you...
the stars the moon tempt me afar,
but its here in ur heart i want to return to...
for ur heart has become my humble home,
and your love, these chains which have me bound...
the stars and moon are illusions i see,
reflecting doubts i find lying around...
im afraid of leaving alone from here,
the illusions wait for me around the bend...
so take me by the hand and lead me out,
and promise to stay with me till the end!!
Huh! who is she talking to ;)
Nice one there....
beautiful and heartwreching at the same time :(
felt like watching a three hour romantic movie..
way to go
I thought in between that she is talking to god to relieve her of this trauma and take her to piece.. but the last couple of stanzas clarified.. beautiful
@ ceedy
thanks :)
she is talking to the one she's so crazy about that she dosent recognise the difference between him and her own self...
the one who's heart she resides in...
the one she dosent want to lose even though she knws shes fighting a losing battle with life...
she's talking to the one she loves and will love till her time is up...
@ rahul
in this case, it is a heartwrenching state because she is aware that each day is drawing her closer to the end....
but it is still beautiful because she also knows that it maybe the end of her life she is getting closer to but not of her love :)
@ chriz
thankyou :)
3 hour movie?? hmm...did i just go overboard?
@ abhishek khanna
thanks...and yes u can draw several interpretations but the writers note i had written above the piece was meant to give u a cue as to which way it was going :)
@ arv
smile--she still is a winner...her's is a losing battle to life but not to love :)
u rock girl..!
u r freakin me out wid ur posts...it was brillaint...loved d analogy of d eclipse...but ur last post n this one r kinda scary...waz happenin?? all ok i hope
@ ankita
thanks so much :)
@ mayz
all okay..thanks :)
i confess the last post was written in a not-so-happy frame of mind...
but the explanation for this one has been given right at the begining of the post...
sorry for freaking u out though :)
I think then this is very tragic...such a person needs help...
so touching priya!! hw did ya feel after penning it down? to deep emotions!! i read it thrice and i still feel like reading it. beautifully written!
how lucky shud one be to find a love like this?? i only wish i am tht lucky :P
wow did you write this poem??its so sentimental .
Saw your blog link in orkut thought to visit.
was this for me?
@ ceedy
as i said before this piece of fiction is written by me from the perspective of a dying girl...
and nobody can help her but divine intervention...
but all she wants is her love to last even though she knows that she cannot...
@ sawan
thankyou..that does mean a lot to me :)
and yes u will definitely find the one...
reminds me of the quote "Just because someone does not love you the way you want them to, does not mean that they do not love with all they have"
@ angel from heaven
thanks for appreciating my work..glad u dropped by :)
@ keshi
naah i wouldent dedicate sucha tragic post to anyone...all my happy posts go out to you :)
its been quite a while..im soo happy u dropped by...
take care
it made me cry, Pri.. so touching and so beautiful..loved it so much.
What? If someone is dying they cant be helped in the last days?
Why leave it to divine intervention - and it that is the case why then help people who are going to live - leave that also to divine intervention
@ lena
thanks but it wasent intended to make anyone cry..was just written in a very vulnerable moment and i confess it did bring about a few tears to me as well because i got too engrossed in the piece myself :)
@ holytrance
amen! :)
@ ceedy
well for starts, this piece is a work of fiction so dont get too involved in it (for ur own good) :)
and secondly sometimes in some situations nothing much can be done and all we can rely on is a stronger force...i dont want to bring upon a debate on god and religin and beliefs again (have had enough of that in the past--im sure u remember our extensive discussions on that)
but coming back to the piece, when its someone who's dying and there is nothing much that anyone can do medically to save her. pray tell me how would u/anyone else for that matter offer to 'help' the situation??
and hence she only expects the person she loves to be by her side till her dying day...
coming to the second part of ur comment---///if that is the case why then help people who are going to live - leave that also to divine intervention also///
i personally believe that noone can really help anyone in matters of love and life...ppl try and give up after a while...one has to help himself...
i still dunno what 'help' u are referring to....
Euthnasia :P
And Btw I am getting involved as "empty mind is a devils workshop"
@ ceedy
then im afraid u failed to understand the emotions behind the piece or maybe i havent done justice enough to them...
because the entire piece speaks of her desire to live...
she wants to live but knows she cant..and thats why shes holding tightly onto her love and asking him not to lose his grip on her lest 'death' takes her away in that second...
and euthenasia requires consent...what consent would u ask someone who yearns to 'live'??
beautiful indeed..., sad but beautiful
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