January 31, 2009

reality----best from a distance!!

There is a painting on a distant wall...we stare at it long enough and then wonder what details the artist has tried to capture in it...
we go closer to appreciate those details..closer...more closer...

and then there comes a point where everything appears a blur..
but dreamers like me who are too intrigued ignore the haze and keep going closer trying to build up the clarity believing what we perhaps want to believe....
thats when we start seeing a pattern in the blur...a pattern so beautiful that even the artist cannot have had imagined...a pattern which probably is not even meant to exist...

dazzled by our own imagination, we continue staring at it...appreciating its beauty more with our heart than with our eyes...until..
someone standing at a distance comes up to us and sniggers...
we get angry, irritated...how dare he ridicule us---he who is too blind to see this beautiful pattern!!
it is only when we are held by the hand and taken back to where we once stood, that we understand the truth of the situation...

viewing the picture from a distance always helps see a clearer image...the picture as it actually is...and then we realise that perhaps the painting isnt as rosy afterall....

probably it never was!!


Anonymous said...

Very much true pri...Its always good to keep a distance...a distance from which we see things as they realy are!

Arv said...

C'est la vie :)

well penned da... have a nice weekend... cheers...

Anonymous said...

mirro mirro on the wall.. who is the most beautiful person on earth

rahul said...

u should know that the ones who hold your hand and lead u away from the painting to show u reality are called friends :)
they will always be there for you.

Anonymous said...

I had a deep breath.
Reason : meaningful deep thoughts.
I have to :
Clap ! Clap ! Clap !

RiĆ  said...

perfectly put gurl!!so true....everything looks good from a distance but its only when we go closer tht v realise tht it was not tht gr8 after all!!

Amrita~Ams said...

brilliantly expressed !

Nidz said...

one thing i can connect is.. as u said this are clear from distance. sometimes we forget wht we really r.. we go on and forget our bondaries. and sudeenly we wake up and we realise we r nt this. they good things from near might appear nice, enjoyable but whne we need a distance we knw if the limit crossed was bad or good for us. logical or stupidity :|
do i make sense Pri???

Pri said...

@ meera
yes..sometimes the distance makes us see things as they really are...it hurts no doubt because it ruins the pretty picture our heart sketched amidst the blur but thats what reality is all about :)

@ arv
i agree--thats life...but very often we tend to forget that and then are brutally reminded yet again...
u have a nice weekend too :)

@ chriz
DUH!dint really get that :(
my post was about life, reality, blurs, paintings (in the least literate sense of the word) but in no way was any mirror involved..lol!!
unless ofcourse ur talking about the introspective one :)

@ rahul
thanks rahul for being one sucha friend :)

Pri said...

@ hobo
thankyou *takes a bow*

@ ria
hmm..that is another outlook...thanks :)
but more than that i meant that there are somthings which just blur out when we go too close...and thats where reality takes the shape of dreams...
and sometimes just sometimes we need to take a step back to see things as they ACTUALLY are :)

@ amrita--ams
thankyou :)

@ nidhi
from the way i see it, u make perfect sense!


shruti said...

sometimes the picture is so perfect and beautiful we refuse to believe that the intensity that we created in it does not exist at all.but whatever said and done its such a hard feeling to accept that the picture is not so rosy as we wished it was.
Lovely thoughts priyanka.

Ratzzz said...

the tot that comes to my mind " i focus on a flower thru my cam.. thinking that i may capture it better i keep on zooming till the flower is reduced to a distinguishable blur.. then i rush back to un-zoom and capture the initial wholesome flower.. i treasure this pic forever.. i wud rather treasure this than the blur of inner cusp" :-)

Hugzz Pri.. how are we desperately holding onto the outer Rosy pic rather than d nitty gritty's of anyone... i wud rather treasure it than look someone with a Magnifying glass and get hurt...

Blog Boy said...

Wonderfully put on the blog..
I really want to say that keeping a distance and to see the things help realizing what and how exactly the things are!!! true for life as well!!!

Lucifer said...

i think i know whr dat post is comin from...nice analogy!!!

Pri said...

@ shruti
thank...and i totally agree with that shruti...its hell tough to deconvince urself of what u once u so strongly believed in...it helps if u stop trying and let the realisation find its way to u instead :)

@ holytrance
enlightenment almost always strikes us at times when we least need it...
but then again thats the magic of retrospection :)

Pri said...

@ the rat
hmmm :)

@ blogboy
yes i guess so :)

@ mayz
thanks..as for u guessing where this post comes from, im not too sure about that...a lot of situations might seem similar and easy to match..but this post is more of an opinion in retrospection...
ur comment made me feel we all try to find a pattern in the blur dont we? ;)

Hemanth Potluri said...

beautifully written :)..


ash89 said...

wow... i never thought of it dis way. But its true, the closer u get 2 sumthng or sum1, the more unclear or sumtyms biased, ur vision gets.

Keshi said...

very true and very beautifully expressed Pri!

**it is only when we are held by the hand and taken back to where we once stood, that we understand the truth of the situation...

thats where Im all the time...thats why I stand on ground...when alot of ppl r flying.


Pavi!!!! said...

Wonderful analogy !

Pri said...

@ hemanth
thanks :)

@ ash89
we get biased mainly because we start seeing things that arnt there...we get soo close that we start seeing ourselves in the painting :)

Pri said...

@ keshi
thanks dear :)
thats a strong headed attitude u have...i sometimes start flying without wings...should learn from u...

@ pavi!!
thanks :)

IncorrigibleV said...

the opposite is true too... sometimes when we observe closely the sadness or the hurt also appears magnified and insurmountable, thats when u need to take a few steps back and see that it aint that big a deal after all
great post dear :)