when you are suddenly all irritated and angry with almost each and every decision you have made so far.
when you are confused about whats happening and even more perplexed because you know for a fact, that you have been the one to have chosen it.
when u feel that nobody around cares--that people who seem to, are probably just faking it..or worse perhaps uve just been imagining what u wanted to believe.
when you want to pick up the phone and call just one goddamn person on earth who is genuinely concerned about you only to realise you cannot come up with a single name without having to think twice about it.
when a stupid measly line in an emailed forward saying--"dont let anyone be a priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs"--stings you like hell.
when you find tears streaming down your face all of a sudden and you have absolutely no frigging idea why.
when you realise that life had probably come to a stand still ages ago and you were yet trying to push hoping it would move.
when something is bothering you yet u can neither speak about it nor live to let it lie.
when you finally get about understanding that some people you considered wellwishers were always serpents in disguise--just that you perhaps refused to acknowledge it earlier.
when you have no idea where your life is heading and drifting along without any direction was somethng you had promised yourself never to let happen.
when u get a strange feeling which tells you that the inevitable 'beginning of the end' is just around the corner.
when you know you cant change certain things in your life and yet are also aware that you are unable to accept them.
and last but not the least, when u are sure that blogging about this will get you a whole lotta 'ive-been-through-the-same-shit' comments and yet you cant help smile because u know nobody would ever really understand what exactly you are trying to say.
because, in life...
there are some people, we fail to understand.
some, we dont have the time and patience to.
and then there are a third kind---whom we refuse to try understand..because we are afraid...afraid of what would happen if we actually succeeded.

Hugzz Baby..
I can relate to those... but then you leave me confused in the end...
take care... cheers...
no comments! aarti ke gyaan ke overdose ka natija hein kya? :p
A) 'I've-been-through-the-same-shit' (lol ?)
B) You did a good job at penning it down.
C) I really don't understand what you're trying to say. (U know it tho).
D) I do get it that the going's tough right now.
E) I hope you wake up one morning and say... " f*ck that !" and smile , soon.
You just have written my feelings of random gloomy days as well ...
Such days are so irritating..you just cant point at a single issue.. entire life looks like a big problem... you feel such days would end soon...
Hope you feel better soon ...
take care..
This Happens...
It Happens...
Happens Because, we Feed many identities in our own self,... we ought to have 1000 of our own self ... 1000 of our own self in us yet in 10,000 different ways,....
when we make a choice... then... one out of the 1000 of our own self , happens to choose for us the choice,... while rest 999 are abstracted from the choice... and when that one choice camouflages with the sight or say doesn't seem to be working..,. rest 999 of our own self have their chance in proving how that one of our own self whom we had chosen to choose is wrong ....
we can help out by restricting or chopping those 1000 in ourself to minimum of our ownself...
Sometimes life doesnt make sense.. rest most of the time it isnt NON Sense...
so for that sometime when life makes no sense we got the option either to enjoy that SOME Time Of Nonsense ... or chop some millions of our ownself to few of them..
While writing this comment i am not at all intoxicated... hope i havent made myself a catalyst to that SOMETIME of No Sense in life... i only made an effort to reduce that Sometime Of No Sense
A Germ
how do you just manage to put abstract thoughts into words so beautiful.. i so envy you...
u simply are amazing!!
hmm.. lagta hai doc kaafi naraz hai.. kissko bajane ka mood hai kya?
Good point.. people MAY know wat it feels like for them to be in ur shoes..but they sure won't u'stand wat its like for YOU to be in YOUR shoes!
Smile gurl!
will I dissapoint you if I said ! no I havnt been through this!!
infact, i hv already copied your lines before i come across those ones you are expecting ppl to say so.
here you go:
when you want to pick up the phone and call just one goddamn person on earth who is genuinely concerned about you only to realise you cannot come up with a single name without having to think twice about it.
.....you can check out my last post and know what I relate to!
I dont even know if it is just a coincidence or maybe a sign !
as as soon i was done with that post, i blogged to see someother is writing some post about it too ! and here I am now readin your lines to get same hit too !
and I am sure I still donno how it feels being in your shoes, but i think i can relate to.
yes even my comment was gonna 'ive-been-through-the-same-shit' types but thats not wat i really wanna say...infact i dont think any of my words wud make a difference...
so will jus give u a nice tight hug to atleast make u feel a lil better
Well, I won't say that 'I've been through this', 'coz I'm sure that whatever happened there (and I won't ask for the details) is something unique in itself. It's important, however, to not let it get to you, and to have the faith, or belief, or anything else you want to call it, that this phase would pass away quite fast.
Cheers... literally! :D
how could u pen dwn so perfectly. baap re..
M speechless.
hope for better tomorrow!!
m sure u felt a tinge of relief after u wrote it. if u din, try talking to some one whose name comes first on the list of people who would not sympathize with you. may be tht wud help. u take care.
My comment would be "this too shall pass':)cheer up dear
take care babes!!
i can imagine how you feel. i have had one of those days. take care
Hmmm.....I am another one of those...been through it today..but not completely...
The third category is where happiness lies if we aren't afraid to go for it!
happens...life some times want to teach us something...u gave ur thoughts beautiful words..
@ all
thanks a lot for trying to make me feel better...
and i guess lets now act asif this post never happened!! :)
main kuch nahi bolungi ...
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