she said that there are some people who come in our lives and are meant to stay only for a brief period...ofcourse the fact remains that they dont go away..they dont dissapear...they are very much in your life..but the friendship u shared once upon a time just withers away..fades off...gets neglected!
on the mention of a particular someone who for some strange reason is now limited only to my orkut profile and otherwise would probably not even be knowing if i was dead or alive, she pointed out to me that it was the perfect example...and that she doesnot believe in social networking sites exactly for the same reason---all people in your friend list cant be called your friends...
well aartu's take on it really got me many 'friends' do i actually have?
ok lemme rephrase that...are all the people i know and who were friends with me once upon a time still my 'friends'??
do we still care as much?
do we still bother to keep abreast of whats happening with each other? (in hindsight, do we really want that?)
or has the distance, time and work constraints come in between??
well the answer was pretty obvious...urs truly who was supposed to have the maximum number of friends once upon a time not soo long ago, has apparently been losing out on quite a number of them...
well lotsa reasons...i did not manage to stay in touch...they got too busy..i got caught up..they felt ignored...
to cut the story short, nobody is to blame...we all got screwed up by life and somewhere all of us lost a little bit of each other...the bit that really cared or seemed to!! :(
but then again its not all that black...we still know we are there for each other...and ive still got some tried (their patience) and tested (their friendship) 'u-can-call-me-at-any-time-of-the-day-or-night' buddies and 'il'l-always-be-there-for-you-all-u-need-to-do-is-just-holler' pals..
so alls not lost and hopefully never will be--for them and for me..touchwood! :)
coming to the actual reason which prompted this 'blue' post----
but sticking to the promise i'd made a long time back about not diclosing any information about my patients on my blog, i cant reveal much...
its just this incident which has been happening with one of my patients during my current absense (at a professional level) which i was made aware of only yest, that i cant seem to wipe off my mind...and the fact that it was put to me so matter-of-factly makes me really wonder whether im too softhearted for this medical profession or my colleague is too stonehearted for it...
the guilt of not being around when someone u had grown soo attached to needed u the most plus the fact that ur presence would have made a big difference not only breaks your heart but leaves u with a helpless feeling that i cant even begin to explain...
and even though the guilt has not been completely wiped away, its all thanks to 'u-know-who-u-are' who helped reduce it a great deal inspite of going through a pretty stressful time himself---sometimes even though u know its not your fault, u need someone telling you that they understand and that it isnt ur mistake...
but that incident again got me many people will actually be affected if i was to leave suddenly without a notice (obviously if and when its not in my control)?
who would cry when i die??
no! this has got nothing to do with robin sharma's bestseller...but seriously, have i made a difference to anyone really?
will i be missed? for how long? minutes? hours? days? months?
and then life will go it should...
strangely this thought saddened me in ways more than one...yes probably i was selfish in wanting to be missed...and then again, was'nt it just yesterday when i wanted to be remembered fondly with a smile just once in a while and not missed too much only because i dint want to make the people i love, unhappy?
what is wrong with me?
why have i changed?
why has it suddenly all started to matter? expectations??!!maybe!!
i am no celebrity...i have my imperfections...i sometimes get all distant and rude...have mood swings...there are times when i encrash upon ur times i turn ultravulnerable and extrapossesive...while at other times i sometimes expect too much and then realise and move away silently...
im not the perfect girl...why then do i want or expect to be loved perfectly??
matters of the heart are a complicated mess and the more u try to see them in a practical light, the more entangled they get you...
i want to be missed by the people i love when im no longer there in this world..
but yet i dont want them to be unhappy missing me...
i want them to remember me...and yet i'd want them to move a happy life...
am i the only one feeling this way?? :(

would it be wrong if u love someone with all your heart and soul and let it show even when ur life makes u aware each day that no matter how much u want, your future is a little too bleak to build a steady foundation for the dream you might eventually end up dreaming together?
but then would it be right to hide your feelings all the time...fence them in...stay angry..distance out...try to move away...only in a futile attempt to make things go wrong knowing that perhaps that that'd be the only best and most practical thing to do---when the truth is that is hardly ever possible...
no matter how much ur mind scares u of the consequences, your heart almost always takes over!!
it starts speaking of selflessness, unconditional love, dreams, never-heard-of-exceptions to murphys laws, hopes, miracles and everything and anything under the sun just to convince your mind to stop scaring you...and finally your mind succumbs to the emotional blackmail and gives in too..sigh!
emotions are like coloured butterflies...u know u might never catch up with them...but so elusive are their shades, that u cant help running after them :)
Very lovely...I just loved the last line...
Could relate in more than one ways...and i guess it happens to i believe...nothing lasts forever,its all just for saying.
u think too much.itna mat socha kar.samjhi einstein?
nobody is going to miss you because you are not going anywhere.agle sau saal ke liye to nahi.
musu musu hasi dyu malai lai musu musu hasi dyu :)
yaad hai na?
another beautiful post...but some senti filled in it liked it...:)..
that was certainly not d kinda post i wanted to read pain jus tears jus broke...
i dnt kno abt d ppl who wud cry when i die but i kno a lot of ppl who wud b happy...yeah m serious...d kinda hurt that i have been dishin out day after day i think my tombstone shud read "here lays mayz...finally!!!"
So true na... and thatz why its so imp to have a great set of relationships in our lives
hey...stumbled upon this. thought i'd comment.
no, ure not the only person who's ever thought this. no, these thoughts are not in the least irrelevent. yes, ure extremely daft at penning them down.
@ meera
ofcourse there are certain things beyond our control and no matter what we want, they are inevitable...
but if ur talking about friendships/relationships then 'forever' IS possible but only if we want it to be...only if we care enough [though i agree that 'enough' is a very complicated term]..then even though we arnt around, we can still stay forever in the memories of our loved ones...
but often a times we take it for granted and thats where 'forever' ends!! :)
@ rahul
haan haan yaad hain...who can forget your awful singing? ;)
as for 100 years, ab main kya kahoon? pata nahi yeh dua hain ya baddua :)
@ hemanth
a lot of thoughts crossed my mind and this was the outcome...though i think maybe such posts should come with a warning next time :)
wow... now thats something...
yeah... I know how some people come and go... but they are never forgotten... :)
Once a person touches your heart... that part stays special no matter how far that person had moved away from us.
Thats my take on it.
take care... cheers...
a lovely post.. so very true.
So many people who meant so much to us once upon a time fade away for reasons that cannot be either's fault, yet you can't help but wonder how different things may have been if you had the chance...
@ mayz
apparently i was not the only one having a blue day...
but cheer up! this too shall pass...and if today feels like its as bad as it can get, then remember tomorrow can only be better!
like i always say 'has bhi ho kal phir aayega' :)
@ mohit
DAFT!!??? why?
i write what i feel...if i had to weigh, measure, speculate and then pen down my thoughts it would mean manipulating them...and in no ways would i want to ever do that :)
u still think im foolish/daft to do that??
@ arv
you are right arv...
but on the flip side, sometimes we move apart and become soo distant that the memories get covered by dust of time..they are still intact below those cobwebs but we (sometimes intentionally sometimes not)do not find the time to clean up the layer that covers them :)
and then again, there are times when we just drift apart...thats when 24/7 round-the-clock friends become a distant memory for no particular reason...
such is life!
@ dr roshan r
u said it!
but i dont believe in my opinion if u think u can make a difference go about and do it..and if inspite of u trying, u dont get about making a difference then thats how its probably supposed to be :)
i also agree thats not always feasible..but that shouldnot stop us from trying right?
allowing friendships to fade off out just means one thing---probably (for whatever reason) we have stopped caring ENOUGH!
and then again, if the relationship is strong, no amount of reason (complications, problems, issues) will allow it to fade...thats when u'd understand the screwed up situation life has brought upon and care all the more making the relationship a lot more stronger than it already was :)
sweet post.. you got me thinking.. I think I have around 15 friends.. the ones who will misss me when I go..
Thanks for this post :)
sometimes it hurts.. we sure expect a lot too from souls... aspirations are the reason behind the solitude life we have..
my folks will miss me when i leave...
@ arshat
its great to know that u can be sure of atleast 15 people :)
not everyone can be as confident...
@ chriz
well aspirations being the root cause of solitude?? i dunno...but expectations are definitely the main cause for let-downs most of the times :)
but we are only human!
i agree with that our parents have for us is the only love we can bet our lives matter what, their love will never lessen :)
Good insightful post....
About crying at death...well one can be sad but I believe in the funda of celebrating the life that was lived rather than mourning the life that has gone....
so usually dont end up crying...its a karmic cycle
i just cant begin to explain how much i relate to this post of urs.
I too have had the same doubts, the same complicated emotions, the same analytical discussions with myself and others. And all the time, the same thing happens with my heart and mind.
very nice one
oye zayada sochne kaa ho raha hai hone dene kaa....
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