ive been robbed!!.a brilliant idea was taken away from me while it was still being processed by my brain and bloggerdashboard!!!!!!!!!! :( :(
chandni got there first...read
hereand to think i was soo happy (that i even mentioned writing about this in my prev post) to make it to the grand status of 'matchmaker' for one particular
mr phoenix..sigh!
now i wonder who leaked out the idea (considering it was known to ONLY the person in question himself)
or chances are more that chandni and i function at the same devilish frequency..ahaa!!
anyways, to make matters more interesting and to add a little more mystery-spice lemme mention here, that all the concerned candidates who send me an email with their details (before sending anything to chandu or the phoenix himself..heehee) will get an added advantage---i will send
itsy bitsy pieces of the photo jigsaw puzzle (which on joining together will give u an entire fotu of the forementioned celebrity---ofcourse without his consent since he is extremely sensitive about his photos gaining unwanted attention..yea the guy has got his delusions u see!)
i will see to it that u receive just one piece of the puzzle a week..in the process u can get about knowing mr phoenix better so that at the end of it all, even though u might never get about completing the photo puzzle, u will definitely get about having a complete picture of the incessant chatterbox who can speak on any topic under the sun..
ohh but watch out--in case he gives u the silent treatment and keeps smiling all through the chat, then its definitely not what it seems like---he is certainly NOT impressed!!
please note: 1)copyrights of the above mentioned photo-dramatic idea solely belong to
urs truly and any resemblence to similar ideas online or offline---in any book/movie/blog/real-life will be considered as violation of my creativity and stringent action will be taken against!!
thankyou one and all!!
2)i agree chandni has covered almost all the points and done full justice to each though i guess i could have exaggerated them a little more--such that everyone would see through the lie..heehee (so what?? 'veeru' ultimately got basanti dint he??)
3)adjectives used by the celebrity in question when asked for the criteria included words like 'pataka' 'bewdi' etc etc.when expressed shock, he further goes to explain that 'pataka' need not necessarily mean the
'rakhi sawant' 'angelina jolie' type though such candidates might be given extra preference...
4)electronic gf's, long distance communications strictly not allowed on suggestion of his boss and coworkers who think that he spends too much time on the pc already and still does not manage to meet deadlines..so they dread to even imagine what it would be like if the pc would have to be the mediator of lurrrveeee....
the phoenix though is scared of writing in wrong windows and hence does not want to disrupt his love life with any sorta side-confusion..ahem!
urs truly is not heard of after this post or just incase u hear about any terrible news of me being murdered without a trace, u know whom to direct the police to dont you??
ofcourse RAKHI SAWANT!! what were u thinking----'the phoenix'????? nawwww..he would'nt hurt a fly!!
but then again, im human *gulp*
neverthless till we are alive and kicking,
cheers!! :D :D