March 05, 2009

truth or dare----"just friends??"

I heard about the 'classic case' yet again, happening in one of my close friend's life----the classic case scenario of two best friends with one of them falling in love with the other---a fine case of unrequited love which leaves one feeling helpless and scarred for life because its only inevitable that the final destination of the journey can be neither on the shores of friendship nor in the sea of love!!
even though i managed to help cheer her up with comforting words (the effect of which im aware cant last forever), i guess somewhere deep within, it did affect me and triggered a chain of deep seated thoughts which ultimately resulted in the piece below...

heartbroken she was,it took jus one blow
to get her trust completely off all men...
those memories haunted her night and day,
people saw them as lovers then...

soulmates she thought they were meant to be,
everything with them went so perfectly right...
confident she was,wanting no assurance ever,
to an unconfessed love, they held on tight...

that very word would hurt her now
she hated 'love' at its mention slight...
the feeling which was supposed to turn life beautiful
was the one responsible for her sorry plight...

that day her dreams had come crashing down,
when she realised she was just a friend...
he told her she had mistaken everything,
and seeked friendship, their feelings to defend...

she stood there with tear brimmed eyes
as he told her she had imagined it all...
shocked she stared with a hurting heart,
she never recovered from the fall!!
she never recovered from the fall!

the only folly worse than mistaking love for friendship is when u mistake friendship for love...


Arv said...

sometimes, the line between friendship and romance fades away with time due to genuine affection and care... its not an easy thing to deal with :(

hope all is well.... take care mate... cheers...

Pallav said...

That true....but unfortunately u dont know wen u r in,wen,what,if,but...this all doesnot mean anythng to them.
And at kast person left with nowhere, he/she loose friend as well as soulmate..
U have described beautifyully..only an hurted person can understnd it.

P said...

i loved the piece....
its only inevitable that the final destination of the journey can be neither on the shores of friendship nor in the sea of love!!
that's so true...

Charmed One! said...

What one goes through such a situation can only understood by them...
you have written about it nicely..
i hope she gets the strength to get over this soon..

Hemanth Potluri said...

it was nicely put up in words...i never thought love and frndship have problems with each is the main thing in both the cases...

hope ur doing fine doc :)..


Trinaa said...

ur poem touched a chord somewhere! :')

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

scary words.. because they're so true.. esp that last line. It can be very tough to recover from that...

Nidz said...

i have gone through this.

My best fren proposed me .. shattered me.. thought it was my first proposal..

rahul said...


ceedy said...

Dunno...I think love cannot have any definition based on a "relationship"

aneri_masi said...

Beautiful poem, Pri!

And she will recover, I guarantee :)

Pri said...

@ arv
yeps i agree but everything is fine till there is no confusion...
once the line gets blurred (for only one of them)--thats when the problem starts....
and then the one-sided blur is definitely more of a bane than a blessing isnt it??

yeps alls well with me..hows u doing? :)

@ pallav
ur right pallav...nobody plans on falling in just happens...and IMHO ur lucky if ur loved in return...otherwise u just have to be happy that u experienced the feeling and let go :)

@ jinxed pixie is sad but true!

@ charmed one
you are absolutely right...nobody would really know what it is to be in the shoes of the one who has suffered the bite...we can only learn from ppl's exeriences...
thanks..i hope she gets over it soon too.

pisku said...

Moving piece.

Strange are the ways of love et al. Sometimes your left wondering, some other times your left lost.

And thanks for the encouragement on my blog

Pri said...

@ hemanth
yes hemanth im doing great..hows u?? :)

as for ur comment on love and friendship, i agree there is a very narrow line...because each is an essential part of the foundation for the other..but that narrow line should be visible to both the ppl involved...confusing the two(love and friendship) only means u trying to replace the whole infrastructure--foundation et al---which does not work because when u do that, its bound to crumble...
we are human..and expectations are a part of life...ofcourse we care for our friends..but we all know that the meaning of 'care' differs a bit for that special someone who we put even before us....
so obviously an unrequited love will hurt because while one sees the other as "the one" , the other only considers him/her "the friend"...
i dunno if ive made much sense to you..but ive tried :)
phew! such things are indeed complicated!

@ trinaa

@ dr roshan
scary..sad...bitter...intimidating..but equally true!! :)
c'est la vie!

@ nidhi
i read your post...u mentioned there that u STOPPED talking to your best friend only because he proposed his love to you...i honestly dont understand why..
is it wrong on his part to confess about his feelings??
but then again, guess u were in the 10th grade and just a that can be understood i guess...
u further go to mention that after a period of time u started speaking to him again only because he was going through a bad phase (his dad had expired and he was emotionally weak and stuff)

i must say i disagree with u here too...was it out of sympathy (sorry but thats what it seemed) that u went right ahead and wanted to SUPPORT him in his hour of need...u said u missed him too? if so then why the 'pity-party'??
and about the last part of the post--he saying 'i love you' even now and u saying it too (when both of you know that YOU still think of him as just a friend)
my question here is then why the exchange of 'i love you's..
ok i think i crossed my line..if that makes u two happy then i guess thats fine..but knowing that he perhaps still means it when he says it and u dont does't make much sense does it? :)

no infatuation/crush/love/feeling are meaningless....perhaps, at that time it meant the most important thing of his life to him ad he wanted to have no regrets :)

no hard feelings--just my opinion!

Pri said...

@ rahul
thanks :)

@ ceedy
i duo what u mean by that...i only know that love IS the basis of all relationships :)

@ aneri_masi
thanks :)
i hope she will too...recovery is guaranteed..its the aftereffects that worry me...
i can only hope that she meets someone who will rebuild her trust in love once more--a much clearer and stronger a way :)

Lucifer said...

been there...have lost a lot of frenz over d last few mnths coz of this...sigh!!! :(
i miss my frenz...but they hate me coz i cudnt love em :(

Nidz said...

ya i was kid then. i thot he did very wrong by proposing me whn he knew i wud never accept such relation.
But later whn he was going thru bad time i wanted to be there for him forgetting all my hard feelings for if. I knew he didnt have feeling for me that can just infautation it happnes in tht age and he agrees nw to tht.,
Now tht we are matured we understand he was stupid to propose me. WE are nothing more than best of frens and we say we love u cuz love has different meaning in every relations.

rahul said...

u know it can b the othr way round also na? :)
a guy can get equally hurt

moi said...

you have described it beautifully through a poem. And yes it hurts a lot :)

Pri said...

@ mayz
"LOT" of friends over the past "FEW" months??? i know i should not be judging but it does not speak too highly about either u or those friends of yours...
but then again, i dont know the story so i wont/cant draw conclusions...

///i miss my frenz...but they hate me coz i cudnt love em :(///
well u miss them because u lost them as friends and they probably hate u because they lost you as something they thought a lot more of...
cant compare the losses or the hurt :)

@ nidhi
///Now tht we are matured we understand he was stupid to propose me. WE are nothing more than best of frens and we say we love u cuz love has different meaning in every relations.///

you guys are lucky.touchwood!
ul'l have managed to move beyond the immaturity (as u call it) and preserve the friendship intact! :)
not many ppl are fortunate enough...
and ur absolutely right---love does have different meaning in different relationships :)

take care!

@ rahul
yes totally..i agree with u rahul.
'hurt' isnt gender specific!! :D

@ moi
hii..nice of u to drop by here.
thanks for appreciating my work :)

Phoenix said...

you know the other day i was telling mayank this ting.. if u have a dear friend with whom u are close.. and u think u hv special feelings u shud stop once n rationalize if the friendship something that you can risk and loose in hope for a greater relationship [read love] and if you think ur friendship si precious its only logically to stop that voice and just be friends.. for this way you end up with nothing...

i dont know maybe im wrong but this is how i see this thing..

Pavi!!!! said...

The line between friendship and love is so thin..its hard to not cross it w/o being overly cautious.
Most often it leads to confusion in one mind or the other.

Therez so much to debate abt Dos n Don'ts of the so-called "platonic relationships"..or for that matter one can question its very existence!

BTW i find it easier to be "best" friends with a guy!n most of my dearest friends are men!

Mysterious Mia said...

i hope yru friends doing better now.....

Talking To My Soul said...

I will pray for her, Priyanka. I'll pray for the lady.

Thanks for keeping it simple. Both love and friendship can never be exaggerated, I guess.

Lovely space. Thanks for visiting my blog. Do return.


Pri said...

@ phoenix
but its not fair to keep your feelings a secret--whether they are reciprocated or not is upto the other person...but if u keep hiding what u actually feel, it can keep building up a false hope which can be disastrous at a later stage---thats when probably the friendship crumbles because by that time its too painful to go on being 'just friends' :)
so in my opinion, matters of the heart should be sorted out right in the start..that way atleast u have a clear picture--though most of the times keeping it a blur seems a easier and less painful option for both...
agreed it hurts but nothing compared to building up a false hope---presuming it is an unconfessed love all the time---and feeling cheated in the end!

matters of the heart are simple really---its we who complicate things...

@ pavi!
i guess the line is as thin or thick as we want it to be :)
afterall its not all our friends that we fall in love with...

sometimes caution is better than heartbreak!

@ princess mia
she is doing okay..the piece had nothing to do with her was just inspired by the 'classic case' :)

@ talking to my soul
thankyou..its not as bad as ur making it sound :)
again, the poem is not about my friend..its just inspired..moving on is a part of life and eventually and hopefully she will...
thanks for dropping by :)

Lena said...

your last sentence said it all.. but sometimes it is really so damn tough to differentiate.. just because we believe what we want to believe

IncorrigibleV said...

do i need to say anything abt this doc??

Anonymous said...

jeez! the last line was awesome doc! you are real good with words.
Remember me?

I have been hiding in a cocoon :) reading something here and there... not forgetting the charm of being here ;)

Take good care girlie.


Pri said...

@ lena
ur absolutely right..its not always easy..we are human afterall! :)

@ vands

@ veens
ofcourse i remember u u mad ass!! where are u??? :(
i hate u for not keeping in touch..u worried the hell outta me and kash..hmpf!!

miss u loads