We met 7 years back and right there and then, we both knew we were meant to be friends...
there was something about him..a boyish charm..a magical grin..a great sense of humour...a very responsible attitude...a positive vibrant aura---all of which put together summed up to a potent combination for someone you'd just want to know more and more, not only because you enjoy their company but more because of what their company makes you become..
Aditya is one such person and at the risk of seeming dramatic let me add here that after god made him, he probably broke the mould :)
He is the first one to offer you a helping hand...will wait till you cool off from your most terrible moodswings..will pamper you when you are on the verge of throwing the biggest tantrum and make the most serious of moments feel light within seconds..
But this isnt all of him..behind the tough exterior of a fun-loving adi, lies a man who is equally sensitive and strong at the same time..someone who will stay with u even when the whole world turns its back against you...a friend who will never give up on you...a philosopher who will always guide you with the right advice and words (and also get irritated by the fact that u never listen to him)..a fellow cohort who will keep trying to solve your confusions even while getting utterly confused himself...a buddy who will silently keep a watch on you when ur chasing your craziest and silliest dreams so tht you are not left all alone if at all they dissapear...
in todays world most friendships wear off with time..some lose their original magic...some just fade away...and some keep making you feel ur trying too hard to make them survive..
but then there are those very few rare ones---
like trees in thw wild which shelter you from the rough heat...
like the blades of grass, bending but never breaking...
like water--transparent and clear..
like light--which can brighten up gloomy days..
like blessings---which u silently thank god for...
and though im not used to praising him so much and although im pretty sure he might suffer from a heart attack outta shock on reading all this, i still want to tell him today that i consider myself very lucky to have him as my friend.
sidenote for adi: please note, im being extra nice just today, because its your birthday..so please do not expect this kinda treatment from me on an everyday basis..*grin*
you will still remain the idiotic, irritating, overlecturing, useless....and amazing person that you always have been to me..
so dont you dare change! :)
happy budday aditya
is post ke liye hume bhi treat milegi na? :p
@ pri-i agree to every work u said about him.mere budday pe bhi mujhe aisa hi post chahiye.ok? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeejh!!!!
wish you a very happy birthday dude!!
Wish u a very very happy birthday dude....
pri-this is the BESTTTT gift i have ever got.tks!!!!!!!!!!
i wish it was my birthday evryday ;D
rahul-abey sale! post to pri ne likha hai.tujhe kaisi treat??????
leo, suree--thanks
pri-i feel like opning a blog now :p
Pass my wishes to your best friend Adi :)
May god bless him and keep him contended for years to come.
Happy birthday Adi
awww.. this is so cute. Here is to friendship... :-)
srivats-thnks dude!!
raji-thnku n cheers!
Belated wishes for your friend :)
Such a sweet post. God bless you both :)
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