January 19, 2010

dessert unforgettable

19th jan 2010
another kitchen record broken----"vanilla-cream-pudding-disastero!"
tadaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! *drum rolls in the background*

ok fine!! it was just supposed to be "vanilla-cream pudding" but i added the 'disastero' to it..and its pretty self explanatory why.

After freezing it stone hard in a futile attempt to increase palatability, it still tastes like...umm..er..GELUSIL!!??!!

welcome to pri's world! :(


  1. So u r poor at cooking ah?

    its good that it actually look like vannila pudding, if at all i give any attempt i bet it will look like something.

    anyways enjoy the gelusil :P

  2. hahahah...
    thodi cooking seekh le.. shaadi ke baad kya hoga? :P

  3. "tastes like ... GELUSIL" :D

  4. so can we take it for acidity :) LOL or only for constipation hehe

    :) common it cannot be that bad :) congrats on ur first attempt :) now that u learnt how not to make that desert , better luck next time

  5. a pudding a day keeps gastritis away :P

  6. //GELUSIL//

    ROFL....Nice one!!! u've got a neat blog here!

  7. I see a good start there :)
    Keep trying

  8. @ suree
    thanks..that was some consolation!

    @ ankur
    jo hoga manzure khuda hoga ;)

    @ alok

    @ srivats
    ///so can we take it for acidity :) LOL or only for constipation hehe///
    the world needs more people like you..talk about positive attitude!

    //now that u learnt how not to make that desert , better luck next time///
    yus yus..im not giving up as yet!

    even thomas edison failed a thousand times before he succeeded ;)

  9. @ adi
    yea yea..say that u cant comment because u know how great i am at cooking otherwise. *adjusts her shirt collar*

    @ sawan
    i think if i try making that pudding again, itl'l keep everyone away :p

  10. @ the uncanny
    thanks..u are forgiven!
    the compliment did distract me from the fact that u laughed on my experimental pudding :(

    @ dawn
    err..not exactly a start..but then u can say its a start to a good 'vanilla cream pudding' journey..heehee

  11. Add ENO to it. Then it will become a whole new food category - The Dessert Sizzler!

    Bonus is, Gelusil+Eno will ensure there is no acidity, by this item or others in the royal meal ;)


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