January 09, 2010

on introspection...

...it is only when you throw away the jigsaw, that you find the missing piece.


Lucifer said...

very well said...

sri said...

hmm sigh...

Princess said...

thats the tragedy

The Furobiker said...

aah.. seedha dil pe chot kari !

Sorcerer said...

yeah! I got the sense in that sentence..but i chuckled when I read in your profile that you are a doctor.

no offense meant

Pri said...

@ mayz

@ princess
yea..c'est la vie!

@ abhishek khanna
such is life my friend..such is life! :)

@ sorcerer
glad u could make some sense of it..i cannot comprehend the sense in your comment though..but cant help laughing at the immaturity it seems to portray.

no offence meant :)

Tomz said...

Is that called the Murphy's law?

Pri said...

@ tomz
murphy can sometimes seem like an optimist compared to me...so u can rather call it pri's law instead ;D

RamNarayanS said...

And we try to fit the missing piece on some other existing jigsaw. :-)