there was something in the air which made me let my hair loose--asif like a reflex felt like a long time since i'd done that..stood there in solitude with my mind devoid of all thoughts...of all fears..of all the worries that haunted me.
the breeze had a musical quality to its voice which sounded almost hurt...hurt that i had been ignoring it all this while..
the silence of the night spoke to me---a conversation between two friends which had long been pending just because i was always busy...busy searching for falling stars to wish on..
busy thinking of you...
busy worrying of the what-if's, the hows, the why's and the why not's...
last night i had a long conversation with the night...there was noone there..even the moon decided to leave us alone, not wanting to disturb two friends catching up after ages...
the wind whispered something in my ears..but i was too happy to even notice..probably it was complimenting me.
and then it rained!!
the moon laughed..the stars giggled...attention seeking behaviour, i thought!

i was blank--my mind like a clean felt great..and that was all that mattered.
last night, i slept with the windows open.
the moon sung a beautiful lullaby, the rain added the music and the stars watched over me as i slipped in the land of dreams
and in between all that, a lot of pent up questions got answered.
For the first time in my life, it actually felt like a new beginning.
last night, i was born again!!