i stood before the looking glass,
all polished, clean and bright...
and thought i'd stay a lil longer,
since there was noone else in sight...
it had been long i hadn't noticed,
and admired the beauty there,
the big black curls of hair left loose,
my skin so smooth and fair...
the innocence of my bright doe eyes,
the straight bridge of my nose...
in the perfect curve of my lips i saw,
the freshness of a rose...
my dressing sense was perfect,
my aura divine...
i couldn't help but beam with joy,
at the slim beauty so fine...
oozing with self-confidence,
gazing longer with utter glee,
i wanted to stay and gloat,
about this pristine beauty in me...
i lost track of all around,
of people, time and sense,
looked at all else with frozen eyes,
as i swelled with pride immense.
and as the clock went ticking by,
i foccussed more on the image there,
my big black curls looked sucha mess,
and it seemed i was losing hair!!
my skin stopped looking bright and soft,
i noticed acne here and there...
my eyes tired and my nose too big,
no freshness of red roses anywhere..
bewildered by what i'd seen,
unaware that i was running late...
i gazed longer to notice more,
how this mirror ruined my fate.
i no longer was slender and slim,
i looked short and ugly and fat...
my eyes began to brim with tears,
how on earth could i look like that??!!
my dressing sense seemed ghastly now,
the aura was nowhere in sight,
afraid to collapse right then and there,
i gathered all my trampled might..
sense of people, place and time was back,
nervous, i smiled and stumbled...
the overconfident me was gone,
the ego in my eyes had humbled...
and lo!! it dawned on me--the truth,
i'd gazed too long to see...
and bored to death with my shallow pride,
my mirror had lied to me!!
:) ~~ :) ~~ :) ~~ :) ~~ :) ~~ :) ~~ :) ~~ :)
sidenote--i have written this piece as a dedication to that little narcissist in all of us who tends to becomes so self obsessed at times, that we tend to belittle and ignore everything else around us...until we realise that beauty is only skin deep and that the superficiality we take so much pride in could be just an illusion which with time, will eventually disappear..
That was deep!! Loved the poem.
on behalf of yr mirror:-
dekhkar tumko yakeen hota hai
koi itna bhi haseen hota hai
dekh paate hain kahan hum tumko
dil kahin hosh kahin hota hai
last lines were very true...loved your rhyme and blog :)
so true Pri ! Jus loved the poem and more than that the idea brot out ..too good :) I love ur wrting so very beautiful and deep ! :)
Beautiful...I had wanted to write on the little narcissist inside each of us. Bigger in some and smaller in others. But never really have.
Now that I have read this. I no longer feel the need to. You touched so many emotions. On so many levels....
deep... and true! :)
nicely put!!
@ ria
thanks for appreciating the humble attempt :)
@ anonymous
the mirror borrows line from jagjit singh??!!
as much as the comment defied the point of the post, i cannot deny the fact that it did make the narcissist in me do a little jig..lol! :p
@ an ordinary girl
thanks..im glad u liked it here :)
@ adreamygirl
really, im flattered! :)
@ choco
im glad i managed to do justice to it then! (assuming that from your comment)
but then you could write a post on it too..the narcissist in us doesn't really have that great a memory ;)
so reminders are necessary i guess!
@ warm sunshine
thanks :)
i think this is your first visit to nostalgic moments isnt it?
hope to seeya around
@ sumit
how dare u steal my thunder priyanka naik!!!
@ mayz
heehee...that is EXACTLY what i intended to do, mayank mediratta!!!
Well, this skill of yours still shines, over time.
bravo Doc
keep it rollin;)
Nice post indeed:-)
We definitely are 'monkeys wrapped in suits'!! Google for more info!!
@ scribbler
thanks..its been ages since i saw you around here :)
@ pavan
@ mangomanbunty
yea..that does make a lot of sense :)
for the benefit of those who do not have the patience to google, i would like to requote what you said by copypasting the excerpt i found courtesy google----
"There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists, until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning. The only reason you suffer the shitty boss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. Fear or revere me, but please, think I'm special. We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The hip-hip-hoo-fuckin' rah. Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on you crazy diamond, because we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others."
now, need i say more??!!
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