it is hideous to look at...
unkempt, crude and miserable,
lying unnoticed and uncared for,
you ignore it at first,
of what good could it turn out to be,
this wretched looking thing,
moments of illogical contemplation,
and you find yourself picking it up,
only because its about time you took notice...
and then the story begins...
you soak it in the foam lather of your thoughts,
cleanse it with the scrub of your interest,
powder it with the sparkle of your lavender dreams,
spray it with the intoxicating fragrance of your soul,
lace it with frills and fancy of your imagination,
all until you have seen nothing like it,
exquisite and beautiful--it has become...
its time for the story to end...
and you have fallen in love with it,
not for its mere appearance,
but for what all it has gone through--just for you...
and perhaps, that is what they call a perfect ending!!
unkempt, crude and miserable,
lying unnoticed and uncared for,
you ignore it at first,
of what good could it turn out to be,
this wretched looking thing,
moments of illogical contemplation,
and you find yourself picking it up,
only because its about time you took notice...
and then the story begins...
you soak it in the foam lather of your thoughts,
cleanse it with the scrub of your interest,
powder it with the sparkle of your lavender dreams,
spray it with the intoxicating fragrance of your soul,
lace it with frills and fancy of your imagination,
all until you have seen nothing like it,
exquisite and beautiful--it has become...
its time for the story to end...
and you have fallen in love with it,
not for its mere appearance,
but for what all it has gone through--just for you...
and perhaps, that is what they call a perfect ending!!
have you ever experienced it--the slow metamorphosis of reality into a dream??
beautifully written pri
leaves me in awe :)
perfect...description of picture can not be btter than this.
quite nice pri......
beautifully versed.....
happy blogging
the picture u hv painted with yr words is breathtakingly beautiful :)
the anonymous in d above comment is me :)
Well, can't say much.
Neatly woven together
keep it rollin;)
Very interesting point of view. :-) Dressing up the ugly reality into a beautiful dream. Hmmm...
bit too girly, innit?? :P
i just lurrrvv the one line that you end your posts with! thats like your trademark! awesome!
How do you do it? Weave magic with mere words...Beautifully woven... :)
@ all
thanks for appreciating :)
@ raMmmm
well the point is--if you spend time, trying to improve your reality, you'd notice it transforming into the beautiful dream you always hope it to be...
but human as we are, we spend most of our time sulking on how ugly it is and do not bother to care about it :)
@ mangomanbunty
well, i guess the flowery words does leave quite an impact on the mind of the reader.but tht wasnt the point of the piece...
besides, what the heck--cant a girl be a bit too girly once in while around here? ;D
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