he: i'd always be your shadow..so that you dont forget that there is light just around the corner..
she: a shadow is too subtle a hint of hope sometimes..i need some very bright flashlights to suggest that its not all dark out there..lol!
he: but then i would have to hold the torch for you..and you have forbidden me from doing that.
she: !!!!
he: haha..what happened??
she: nothing!
he: i was kidding dodo..you dont need to worry..being a shadow is anytime better..that way i can stalk you all the time and make sure everything is going right.
she: like you have been doing for nine years now?
he: sorry! no comments--a shadow cannot promise answers to your questions.
and somehow he always leaves her speechless because she knows that when a best friend becomes a shadow, even silence manages to speak volumes...
yeah. very true :)
So true...in best friendships even silence speaks volumes :)
i also need that shadow
@ dr chandana
@ scribbling girl
yeps..that happens when you understand each other so well that even the silence makes sense..
@ phoenix
i have to admit such shadows are rare :)
Seems kinda sad somehow.
One can never reach a shadow...
i think i know one such he and she :)
hmm true and nice :)
she is lucky gal to have such a nice friend :)
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