there is no pain in this world that cannot be reduced by sleep---be it the pain caused by boring college lectures, menstrual cramps, a heavy days work, crazy moodswings or even the toughest heartbreaks...
sleeping pills might be overrated...but sleep is definitely not!!!
oh definitely this is the ultimate truth!
so true, I wish those lecturers knew how it felt like, when they sing us the syllabi lullaby...
Blasphemous Aesthete
OO blisss...only if sleep came easily in pain </3
I should go zzzzzz now... I think I maybe a lil' stressed... :)
yes...sleep is an amazing therapy...but somehow it just doesnt come so easily..especially when the mind is not peaceful enough..
So true ! Yeah sleep is one of my best friend come what may , but at time , it shows too much demand :P
it rains day and night at my place and its holidays now..so am lucky to sleep anytime i want.
Thanks for visiting my blog.But, who said we r unrelated?? i was thinking over it and i found Deepu paul to be one of the visible connecting point though i think there may be many more invisible ones!
u too think the same way, means we are not alone!! haha
take care.
@ mayz
@ anonymous someone
im beyond that phase of life (and thankfully so)..but yea, could relate to what u are saying---once upon a time! ;)
@ scribbling girl
true..and its only when we lose something that we realise how important it is :(
@ choco
yea..do that...should relieve the stress for sure :)
@ tweety
totally agree..who would know the importance of sleep--if not for us insomniacs :)
@ me-era
thanks for tagging..will definitely take it up sometime soon :)
@ adreamgirl
lucky you! :)
@ slow processor
ahh...i agree..and it feels good tht im not alone! :)
its raining here too..but sometimes the rains manage to have the exact opposite effect on sleep..sigh!
So true..
so true..
sleep is always the best medicine for all...
mom calls me sleeping beauty..lolz..
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