Its disheartening how seldom we realise that the true meaning of life lies within us..and even if we do, its even more disheartening how soon we forget.
We keep asking questions, keep searching for answers---answers that have always been inside us...if only we would stop looking for them elsewhere.
Life is like a mirror..a looking glass...but the difference being very often we do not find the time to look into it long enough to notice what it seems to be trying to reflect upon us.
Just like a mirror shows you your own reflection, life pretty much does the same..try smiling a little more and you will see what i mean.
Life , like a looking glass doesn't have an opinion of its own..it just shows us reality..no rosy pictures..no false images.
we smile..it smiles back at us....
we cry..it gives us a thousand more reasons to...
we think ourself insignificant...it further questions our existence...
we feel proud of ourself...it shares our happiness...
Its all a question of our attitude and how we perceive ourselves..
and yet we blame life for being stubborn..for being partial..for being unfair...
when the truth is---its just our very own reflection...its all about how we look at it!!