August 23, 2010

and sometimes...

"In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do." i read this somewhere a long time back..and it remained with me!! isn't it true? for a brief moment today, i thought of someone..someone who i had disposed off never to think of again.. its been years and what surprised me was that today, in one of my weakest moments, its still him that crossed my mind for no apparent reason per se..not for the person he is may be now..but for the person i thought he was to me once upon a time--someone more than a friend, mentor and confidante put together.. and all of a sudden, a silly thought crossed my mind--i wondered if he would ever name his daughter 'priyanka' :)


Lady Whispers said...

Sigh......i can so relate to this post!
I know such moments.....and life as such....only if wonders satisfies us!

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

well, there is so much truth to that.. time may claim to erase many a memory, but an idle mind reveals the truth of just how deeply we may have hidden certain people who were a part of our life once...

Pri said...

@ scribbling girl
u said it, girl!! if only...

@ roshan
and sometimes amidst a lot of chaos, a preoccupied state of mind can bring about such revelations too...
i guess sometimes we just lock away memories--but no matter what, they do manage to seep into our lives time and time again :)

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

and what if he does?
would that make you happy, or will hit you with a pang, yet again?

MangoMan said...

Sighhh....would she name him Varun!!!