September 05, 2010

a lost moment--revisited!!

There is a painting on a distant wall...we stare at it long enough and then wonder what details the artist has tried to capture in it...we go closer to appreciate those details..closer...more closer... and then there comes a point where everything appears a blur.. but dreamers like me who are too intrigued ignore the haze and keep going closer trying to build up the clarity believing what we perhaps want to believe....that is when we start seeing a pattern in the blur...a pattern so beautiful that even the artist cannot have had imagined...a pattern which probably is not even meant to exist... dazzled by our own imagination, we continue staring at it...appreciating its beauty more with our heart than with our eyes...until..someone standing at a distance comes up to us and sniggers...we get angry, dare he ridicule us---he who is too blind to see this beautiful pattern!! it is only when we are held by the hand and taken back to where we once stood, that we understand the truth of the situation... viewing the picture from a distance always helps see a clearer image...the picture as it actually is...and then we realise that perhaps the painting isn't as rosy afterall.. ... ....... ........... .............. ................. .................... ....................... .......... ...... ... and that probably it never was!!


Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Something in it made me happy... don't know what. :)
Thank you for this.

Anonymous said...

As always..So true...And so beautifully and simply told... :)

Gaurav Kant Goel said...

:) Beautifully said.....

Anonymous said...

That is deep thinking. But does that mean we should not look closely?
Result is not important. What important is To know better.

Arv said...

a good message conveyed mate... I do agree... certain things are better when enjoyed from a distance :)

Pri said...

@ BA
im glad you see my point of view :)

@ choco
thanks dear, for always finding the time to read my space :)

@ gaurav
thankyou..its nice to see u around here :)

Pri said...

@ appu
i understand what you mean..and its is human curiosity to want to know something we like, better..

this post wann't meant to say that we should not try to look closely or know better..
it was just intended to sketch that streak of human nature which wants to (and eventually does) believe even the most blatent of lies or errors in something we have gone too close to look and admire..
i really am in no place to say which is better..but yea, will definitely say that sometimes things can be more practically viewed and hence more clearer from a distance :)

@ arv