he is moving into another frame,
and this time she wont stop him!!
she's had enough of the cold harsh night,
its time she walked into the light,
silent wishes have been packed up tight,
so this time she wont stop him!!
she's had enough of that silent glare,
of being thrown away without a care
dreams undreamt for they did not dare,
so this time she wont stop him!!
she's had enough of wounds unhealed,
of charges against her never being sealed,
of old issues which keep getting revealed,
so this time she wont stop him!!
they are heading towards a different shore,
to spread their wings and fly some more,
one can never say whats there in store,
but this time she wont stop him!!
and now that all is said and done,
its reached a stage of all or none,
their fate have played this evil pun,
so this time she wont stop him!!
he is moving into another frame,
and she's tired of playing this stupid game,
with neither apology nor reason to blame,
things would never be the same,
so this time she wont stop him!!
beautiful...simpke words wound in such a wonderful manner...very well expressed...
so, she has learned to let go?
or its just that she is trying to let herself be? sacrificing?
I think I should learn from this :-)
@ ankita
thanks..somethings are best kept simple!! :)
@ blasphemous aesthete
lets say a little of each? :)
@ raaji
Sometimes letting go is the only thing she can do..
wonderful rhyme
@ an ordinary girl
true..sometimes, our greatest strength is not in holding on but in letting go.
its always a choice though..at times, holding on and letting go become two options which are pretty much irrespective of the other person in question..
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