March 22, 2011

circle of life

As i watched the happy faces of the kids on the merry-go-round, it made me wonder--is going around in circles always this much fun??

Life is pretty much like the carousel most of the times.
Its just that we keep forgetting that its an amusement park that we are in.
Its just that we complicate the carousel ride with a lot of unnecessary details.
Its just that we keep moving three steps ahead and two steps behind in the whole damn process.

Job pursuits, career aspects, the constant search for happ(y)ness, the idea of a perfect relationship---they keep eluding us all the time and most often, we as humans, keep missing out on the thrill of the chase in the hope of the destination.

Consider ourselves in any situation---
we fall by fate or destiny, unaware of what lies ahead...
we stumble on chances...
we brace ourselves...
we enter at our own risk...
we tread with caution...
we walk with dreams in our head...
we stomp with new found confidence...
we twist to adjust to circumstances...
we jog to reach a little faster...
we turn when faced with crisis..
we skip a step to avoid confrontation...
we sprint as we reach closer...
we pause to then contemplate on what we really want...
we squirm as we realise how much we have lost out on...
we hide for we feel the need of time on our own...
we flee to escape from everything for a while...
we zoom past the journey in hindsight...
we fly as we realise the joy we had experienced...
we soar in the pride of what once was...
we fear we might have lost it all...
and then we fall..again
only to find ourselves back to exactly where we started...

My chain of thoughts was interrupted as i saw a five year old scampering for yet another turn on the merry-go-round, squealing with joy, as it started revolving again.

I watched the happy faces of the kids on the ride and couldn't help but smile at their innocent free spirited attitude.
On the way back home, i searched the streets in the hope of spotting the same kind of enthusiasm in atleast one person around me.
but all i could see were the tired grownup faces running silly in this race of life...

I guess, some games change their meaning over time.
I guess, circles do not allow us to move ahead--they just keep getting us back to the starting point.

but life, like they say, whether we like it or not, always comes full circle!! :)


Anonymous said...

the art of magical writing :)
i loved the analogy!!

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

We indeed are in a carnival, but are more of little kids who set their eyes on a single ride and then crib and cry over it until we get to ride it. After its done, we need a new one, and it loops. Thanks for this idea. :)

Blasphemous Aesthete

Shikha Arya said...

But that's the beauty of life...we all move in circles...coming back to where we started :)

D R Nayar said...

Highly readable. Got glued to the many after-thoughts that followed. Keep writing, Pri.

Anonymous said...

and your words left me in circle of thoughts .. Loved every word , there is really some magic in way you write , I just love them and more than that the thoughts and meanings wrapped underneath them . Few of such thoughts were storming in my brain too, and as I read you , i didnt count the no of times I smiled :) and now have left em more thoughtful :P

Pri said...

@ anonymous
thankyou :)

@ Blasphemous Aesthete
hmmm...i did not really see it in that way.
Thanks to you too, for sharing that new dimension of thought :)

Pri said...

@ shikha
coming back to the starting point isn't always a good thing.
sometimes we need to move on and never look back

welcome to 'nostalgic moments'!!

Pri said...

@ rajuda
im glad it made you think :)

welcome to my world!!

@ adreamygirl
and your words always leave me on cloud 9 :D

Raksha Bhat said...

Life is a game of merry go round and we keep falling around:)Nice write up:)

Vasumathi Sridharan said...

Very nice!! Totally relate.

And..we both follow wildflower. MEaning you have great taste too ! :-)

Pri said...

@ raksha
i like that thought :)

@ vasumathi
i have to agree with you on that (mutual admiration society eh?) ;p

Ritz.. said...
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Ritz.. said...

Great Writing Pri .... Very Poignant I must say ....


Gayu said...

What should i say....
Each and every post is so wonderfully written...thought provoking, inspiring...some made me feel nostalgic, some i could relate to...
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