Lets change the record...
Lets dance to the music...
We are not the same anymore...
Every choice we make, every decision we take makes us little more of a new person---someone we were perhaps, always meant to be.
Lets open the curtains...
Lets greet the morning sun...
The moving van is outside the door...
It has been waiting since a long time--We ought not to cause it delay anymore.
Lets pick up these boxes...
Lets bid the memories goodbye...
its time to leave for separate worlds...
The road long taken, is better not looked back upon---it was just another milestone we crossed.
...and more often than not, we hardly define our 'choices'...rather, its our choices that define 'us' instead!!! :)
And , as we say, life goes on!
Very nicely expressed!
It's always difficult to choose.
And it is the choices thrust on us - either by circumstances or someone else - that make us.
Great post.
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