August 31, 2011
August 29, 2011
Mushy (m)adness...
Is it just me or is there someone else who finds this guy (the young artificial acting weirdo with the funny hairstyle) repulsively irritating?
I never thought I would hate a 'Cadbury' ad...but this one reeeeeeaally gets on my nerves...
There is something about that guy which just wants me to go and slap him in the face..Right from the disgusting
and the girl, is not too far away either---she appears kinda mentally slow herself! :-|
Now if the 'father' dude had given his daughter an angry blood curdling look hinting that she should come home immediately followed by a 'You are grounded' sermon, for being seen around with a racoon like that, it would have been a tad bit more fun.
Anyhoo, just to prove that we are not cupid killers like that, let me point out to you this one another 'dairy milk' ad which we find really adorable---the couple as well as the theme..
So what's your type---the 'Dairy milk' or the 'Silk' romance?? ;)
August 24, 2011
We people are a funny lot,
when left to our own device...
We each are ruled by some little quirk,
an addiction or a vice...
Some are obsessed with passion,
others with looks divine,
A lot with wealth and riches,
and some with food and wine...
There are those addicted to perfection,
to love-lorn discipline in life,
And those clumsy in their fashion,
albeit strung out on their wife...
And of course them--unrequited lovers,
who care not for loss nor gain...
Those poets and those writers,
who seem addicted to their pain...
There are narcissists and egotists,
each with an obsession alike...
Sadists and masochists,
hooked on to their psyche...
But we are mere players,
and obsession, the dirty game...
Blind to our own quirky whim,
why slander each other's name?
Why not be obsessed with equality,
with life sans terror and deep dread?
Why not be addicted to integrity
and world peace instead?
To ethics to moral character,
to honesty, truth and faith...
to change the wrong in society,
Make haste, it's not too late...
We indeed are much an obsessed lot,
left each to our own device...
So lets bunch up and in unity,
make a virtue from this vice!
Prompt taken from One Single Impression, the topic being 'obsession' :)
August 20, 2011
August 16, 2011
Love in the times of 'Samsung Galaxy Tab'
This post is written as the second part of the 'Samsung Mobiler's contest' held by Indiblogger for the month of August, the first part being posted here.
He opened up the gift one last time and hoped with all his heart that she would like it..he wanted to give her the world and this was his simple way of showing her how much he loved her.
He smiled at the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 750' in his hands, once again..and each of its unique features swept him back to memory-land.
1) Better speed---With both, HSPA and WIFI one can be connected 24/7 wherever you that you can enjoy unlimited downloads, stable connections and speedy browsing.
He smiled to himself as he remembered his courtship she would crib and complain about her dial-up connections.E-mail and messenger had been the only economical solution for the couple considering the different time zones, they were in.
He remembered how it would take her ages to download his pics and how she would sulk about him being so far away from her..Their relationship had faced a major turning point when he had to leave for the US for better job prospects.
To add to it, a bad network and a slow internet connection made them feel much further away from each other especially at the end of a weary day, when both yearned for each others company.
and then there were those summer camps she had to attend simply meant that they would have to stay without speaking to each other for long periods until she returned.
While most long distance relationships fizzled out with time, theirs had stood strong in the test of time and distance.
"But how easy it would have been to traverse those long periods of absence, if only.." his voice trailed off as he looked at the TAB in his hand and smiled,
"Technology..." he sighed.
2) Better Office---You can get your work done from wherever you are. using pre-loaded Polaris office.
He recalled their trip to Singapore for their honeymoon, when she had received an urgent call from work. She was expected to prepare a power point presentation in as short a notice as three days and this has set her in complete 'panic' mode. How he had cursed her project manager back then.
Not carrying a laptop along on a holiday (to avoid extra baggage) was a decision he had suggested.
They had to go PC hunting...and even them she could not finish her project on time for the presentation. He had wanted to fling her cell phone while the career oriented woman he loved had stayed up late trying to meet project deadlines.
With clipboard, she would now be able to save as many as 20 text and images and experience the same advanced cup-paste function like on a personal computer back home and complete her office work with much better speed and efficacy.
At least she would never have to panic on holidays again.
3) Better Multimedia---
She had wanted to watch her favorite movie. But almost all the movie halls were packed because apparently everyone in town wanted to watch it on the same day, too.
He sighed as he remembered the day--12th august, their anniversary. He had wanted to make it special---her favorite movie and then dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant.
The 'House full' sign outside almost all the multiplexes within traveling distance meant a dejected look on her face, though she had tried hard not to show it.
"Why don't we rent out the DVD and watch it on my PC instead?" she had suggested with fake enthusiasm, just to make him feel better, though both of them knew that doing that would kill half the fun out of it.
but now, he thought, with the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1', no movie plan could ever go waste.
They would be able to experience the magic of cinema with full high-definition playback---the dual speakers surrounding the screen which create a surround sound effect make movie watching a pleasurable experience.
He smiled at the tablet in his hand, thinking how excited she would be to see it.
4) Better Imaging
He flipped over the tablet to notice the front and rear view cameras built in.
"The front camera offers great clarity and the rear camera would allow you to capture the best photos and HD videos" he recalled the 'Samsung' guy explaining.
Finally, they would be able to video chat with their parents back home, without them sulking about the clarity of the webcam.
His mom could could now watch baby Ahaana growing up too...with clear pictures and live chat clarity.She would not have to wait until her next visit to meet her darling grand daughter.
5) Better reading and better music
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has unique features like 'Readers Hub' and 'Music Hub'..While the latter offers unlimited reading experience and access to millions of books, newspapers and magazines with added features like virtual bookmarks, zoom in/out and font enlargement to make the e-reading a wonderful experience, the latter enables you to access an extensive catalogue of popular and classical songs along with artist information, critic 'music' reviews, album art and more.
He had known right then and there, that there could be no other gift more perfect for his sweetheart.
The tranquil expression on her face whenever she listened to music was his most favorite expression in the world.
He remembered how he and his college friends used to pull her leg, calling her a 'bookworm'---some habits die hard. She had been bitten by the 'reading' bug ever since she was a kid and this one was there to stay.
Even after six long years of marriage, she always found time to read books.He would sometimes feel all jealous that he had to share her with them.
He laughed at himself for feeling so insecure---now he would have to deal with a much bigger insecurity, he grinned feeling all pleased--a humongous library at her disposal, with over a million books in a compact 10.1 tablet.
"Anything for her smile!!!" he said to himself, as he hastily straightened out the wrapping paper he planned to repack the gift in.
He knew he had selected the perfect gift for his better half---besides all these features which she would enjoy, the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1' (also known as the 'Sansung Galaxy Tab 750') came with a amazingly thin and light body (565 gms and 8.6mm thin), a high definition 10.1 inch screen with 1280/800 WXGA display boasting excellent screen sharpness and a pixel density of 149 ppi, with better multitasking apps and quicker and more efficient web browsing, working on the latest android TM technology---all at the price of Rs 36,200..'It is indeed a good investment,' he thought to himself.
She would be there any moment.
He looked around at the mess he had created in the kitchen--in the futile attempt of cooking up a perfect dinner, her birthday surprise.
The thought of her freaking out at the sight of half burnt dinner made him slightly nervous.
Four years of courtship followed by six years of married life were enough for him to realise what a perfectionist she was.
Just then the door bell rang, interrupting his chain of thoughts.
"Happy Birrrttthdayyyyy, sweetheart" he almost jumped at her in the hope that she wouldn't notice the small trail of smoke coming from the kitchen.
She looked at him. He was standing in front of her with the enthusiasm of a 5 year old, putting forth the messily packed gift, he had got for her.
She smiled and proceeded to open the gift as he hurriedly and excitedly rattled out all the features the tablet had, and narrated all their memories associated with each one of them.
She listened intently. His enthusiasm was infectious--she couldn't help but smile at this man she had married six years back, this man who was still madly in love with her---the bad cook, the terrible gift wrapper, the mess magnet...and yet, the best husband in the whole world.
She loved the gift he had brought her---not just for the features he had explained, but more because it was a reminder of all those memories he had created with her, a reminder which proved that her otherwise-forgetful husband remembered all the things that really mattered.
So what if it wasn't her birthday today, she hugged him tight and smiled to herself.
"This is the best birthday gift anyone could have ever given me," she shyly whispered while eating the half burnt dinner he had made for her.
And he grinned to himself thinking it was the TAB she was talking about...
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He opened up the gift one last time and hoped with all his heart that she would like it..he wanted to give her the world and this was his simple way of showing her how much he loved her.
He smiled at the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 750' in his hands, once again..and each of its unique features swept him back to memory-land.
1) Better speed---With both, HSPA and WIFI one can be connected 24/7 wherever you that you can enjoy unlimited downloads, stable connections and speedy browsing.
He smiled to himself as he remembered his courtship she would crib and complain about her dial-up connections.E-mail and messenger had been the only economical solution for the couple considering the different time zones, they were in.
He remembered how it would take her ages to download his pics and how she would sulk about him being so far away from her..Their relationship had faced a major turning point when he had to leave for the US for better job prospects.
To add to it, a bad network and a slow internet connection made them feel much further away from each other especially at the end of a weary day, when both yearned for each others company.
and then there were those summer camps she had to attend simply meant that they would have to stay without speaking to each other for long periods until she returned.
While most long distance relationships fizzled out with time, theirs had stood strong in the test of time and distance.
"But how easy it would have been to traverse those long periods of absence, if only.." his voice trailed off as he looked at the TAB in his hand and smiled,
"Technology..." he sighed.
2) Better Office---You can get your work done from wherever you are. using pre-loaded Polaris office.
He recalled their trip to Singapore for their honeymoon, when she had received an urgent call from work. She was expected to prepare a power point presentation in as short a notice as three days and this has set her in complete 'panic' mode. How he had cursed her project manager back then.
Not carrying a laptop along on a holiday (to avoid extra baggage) was a decision he had suggested.
They had to go PC hunting...and even them she could not finish her project on time for the presentation. He had wanted to fling her cell phone while the career oriented woman he loved had stayed up late trying to meet project deadlines.
With clipboard, she would now be able to save as many as 20 text and images and experience the same advanced cup-paste function like on a personal computer back home and complete her office work with much better speed and efficacy.
At least she would never have to panic on holidays again.
3) Better Multimedia---
She had wanted to watch her favorite movie. But almost all the movie halls were packed because apparently everyone in town wanted to watch it on the same day, too.
He sighed as he remembered the day--12th august, their anniversary. He had wanted to make it special---her favorite movie and then dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant.
The 'House full' sign outside almost all the multiplexes within traveling distance meant a dejected look on her face, though she had tried hard not to show it.
"Why don't we rent out the DVD and watch it on my PC instead?" she had suggested with fake enthusiasm, just to make him feel better, though both of them knew that doing that would kill half the fun out of it.
but now, he thought, with the 'Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1', no movie plan could ever go waste.
They would be able to experience the magic of cinema with full high-definition playback---the dual speakers surrounding the screen which create a surround sound effect make movie watching a pleasurable experience.
He smiled at the tablet in his hand, thinking how excited she would be to see it.
4) Better Imaging
He flipped over the tablet to notice the front and rear view cameras built in.
"The front camera offers great clarity and the rear camera would allow you to capture the best photos and HD videos" he recalled the 'Samsung' guy explaining.
Finally, they would be able to video chat with their parents back home, without them sulking about the clarity of the webcam.
His mom could could now watch baby Ahaana growing up too...with clear pictures and live chat clarity.She would not have to wait until her next visit to meet her darling grand daughter.
5) Better reading and better music
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has unique features like 'Readers Hub' and 'Music Hub'..While the latter offers unlimited reading experience and access to millions of books, newspapers and magazines with added features like virtual bookmarks, zoom in/out and font enlargement to make the e-reading a wonderful experience, the latter enables you to access an extensive catalogue of popular and classical songs along with artist information, critic 'music' reviews, album art and more.
He had known right then and there, that there could be no other gift more perfect for his sweetheart.
The tranquil expression on her face whenever she listened to music was his most favorite expression in the world.
He remembered how he and his college friends used to pull her leg, calling her a 'bookworm'---some habits die hard. She had been bitten by the 'reading' bug ever since she was a kid and this one was there to stay.
Even after six long years of marriage, she always found time to read books.He would sometimes feel all jealous that he had to share her with them.
He laughed at himself for feeling so insecure---now he would have to deal with a much bigger insecurity, he grinned feeling all pleased--a humongous library at her disposal, with over a million books in a compact 10.1 tablet.
"Anything for her smile!!!" he said to himself, as he hastily straightened out the wrapping paper he planned to repack the gift in.

She would be there any moment.
He looked around at the mess he had created in the kitchen--in the futile attempt of cooking up a perfect dinner, her birthday surprise.
The thought of her freaking out at the sight of half burnt dinner made him slightly nervous.
Four years of courtship followed by six years of married life were enough for him to realise what a perfectionist she was.
Just then the door bell rang, interrupting his chain of thoughts.
"Happy Birrrttthdayyyyy, sweetheart" he almost jumped at her in the hope that she wouldn't notice the small trail of smoke coming from the kitchen.
She looked at him. He was standing in front of her with the enthusiasm of a 5 year old, putting forth the messily packed gift, he had got for her.
She smiled and proceeded to open the gift as he hurriedly and excitedly rattled out all the features the tablet had, and narrated all their memories associated with each one of them.
She listened intently. His enthusiasm was infectious--she couldn't help but smile at this man she had married six years back, this man who was still madly in love with her---the bad cook, the terrible gift wrapper, the mess magnet...and yet, the best husband in the whole world.
She loved the gift he had brought her---not just for the features he had explained, but more because it was a reminder of all those memories he had created with her, a reminder which proved that her otherwise-forgetful husband remembered all the things that really mattered.
So what if it wasn't her birthday today, she hugged him tight and smiled to herself.
"This is the best birthday gift anyone could have ever given me," she shyly whispered while eating the half burnt dinner he had made for her.
And he grinned to himself thinking it was the TAB she was talking about...
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August 15, 2011
This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 23; the twenty-third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for this month is FREE.
When I first read the topic selected by blog-a-ton for the BAT-23 contest, a twisted smile crossed my face.
The word "FREE" has held a spectra of different meanings and lessons in various phases of my life.
So when it was announced that 'free' was declared the theme we were supposed to work on, my heart flipped a beat, danced a merry jig and decided to join the bandwagon (expressions has always been its favorite, and those who read me will know how it keeps searching for new opportunities to jabber away and chew the reader's head off).
So lets go back in time...
When I was a kid, I was told that the best things in life come for FREE.
This statement somehow stuck with me all through my childhood years. It was in pre kg that i met my first friend and learnt the value of friendship.

Everyone doted over me--I was thrilled.
All the affection..the love..everything was freeeee...
So was climbing trees, swinging on slides, sliding on slides, park rides and bubble wrap---what more could a kid at that age possibly want?
I was happy, content, satisfied, and above all, convinced that "FREE" is in.
All the happiness in life did actually come for free.
This overwhelming thought however, was to stay just an ephemeral concept.
As I frolicked from my joyous childhood into my zestful youth, I realised that things were a tad bit different.
My teenage years were a learning experience.
It was in my early teens that I learned my first lesson on friendship--that friendship were actually based on give and take.
It was summer and my best friend had refused to lend me her bicycle because the class bully was offering her his stamp collection in return of the favour.
The best things in life no longer came for free---they sold out for a bunch of postage..i was disheartened!!
During my late teenage years, the definition of 'free' changed again.
I had become quite the rebel back then..fighting against the injustice of having to be answerable to parents for everything I did.
I wanted to be able to go for late night parties, movies, stay with my ear stuck to the phone, dress up in all kinds of funny clothes and wear makeup (which I now realise was so stupid and juvenile).
But back then, freedom to me meant all that.
I wished to be 'free' and though I didn't realise it back then, in pretty much the 'high on dope and rock & roll' kinda way.
Phew!! Thanks mom and dad, for being so highly patient to my temper tantrums and more for still saying 'No' to my permit for craziness. I fumed at the injustice but moved on..
"The world is not fair anyway, it does not want to see me free" I'd sulked.
and life went on...
As the years passed by, and life handed me more responsibilities to handle, I had almost stopped believing in the 'Moral Science' school teacher who had first imparted those pearls of wisdom to me.
Fairy tales became a thing of the past. Lemony Snicket was the one raising his ugly head from time to time.
I was trying my best to get into the groove of carve my niche.
But life was alright because I had realised by then that just like there were true and honest people around me, there were also those who wore masks all the time.
The meaning of 'free' was changing again.
Life had taught me that there were no free lunches here. Everything came at a price.
Trusting someone came at the price of being betrayed.
Falling in love came at the cost of having your heart snapped in two.
Harboring expectations came at the risk of having them let down.
I was totally disillusioned by now---nothing in life came free after all, not even the hand-me-down's and this was just nature's way of subjecting me to a stronger reality check.
But wait, that was not it...a few years down the line and the meaning of 'free' changed again.
We all know how we all part from college life, with tears of separation and promises of keeping in touch.I did too.
But the truth is---how many of us actually manage to do that?
I got busy..and so did my friends.
We were no longer 'free' to meet up with each keep in enjoy those long 'hostel' conversations we once shared in those good old college days.
Medical school had bound us together and even though we fretted and fumed about the syllabus and the stress, we were all just about 'free' enough to relate to each empathise with one conform.
But as soon as we bid our goodbye to our 'Alma Mater' there was something in each of us which died with time---the hope to take out time for each other.

Well, I made peace with this fact a couple of years after college.
We humans have a tendency to adjust according to situations, don't we? I resorted to keeping in touch through social networks on the world wide web.
I was aware these virtual conversations/scraps have almost zilch of the personal magic, real meet-up's and college 'gup-shup' did.
But I convinced myself that the occasional 'pokes' and pleasantries were good enough, and I had to make do with knowing that my friends were alive if not anything else.
I guess it worked both ways, they too have played truce with their busy schedule and taken comfort in the fact that I am still writing on some 'wall' somewhere.
Cut to present day--I am writing for BAT-23, something i had often wished to participate but never did.
Why? because even though I always kept abreast of the contests on this page, I never found myself in the right frame of mind to participate.
I have always been one with a passion for writing.In fact I have been doing it almost since I can even remember.
From personal diaries and journals to newspapers, mags and blogs---I have written everywhere.
Even though I have switched from one medium to another oft and on, my primary blog and confidante still remains 'nostalgic moments' whom i seek solace in confiding with.
However, I have always been quite uncomfortable in posting up melancholic posts here (though I admit, I'm pretty good at sulking) and that brings me to the reason for the unwilling participation in BAT.
Sad though it might sound, my blog which was everybody's darling and sunshine factor once upon a time, has been labelled as 'Mecca of self pity' in the past couple of years, the reason being constant taken-for-granted'ness' in something I considered one of the most important relationships in my life.
While I would lead my heart into believing it was the most precious relation anyone could share, my heart often pointed out to me the constant dissatisfaction it brought about.
Speaking to someone about it would just mean them gasping at what an ignoramus fool I am.
and staying silent would kill me from all the bottled up anger and melancholy, not to mention the frequent mood swings.
Stringing words together into cryptic thoughts and heartfelt scribbles being my sole cheer factor, the only option was to blog about it.
Blogging was my vent board, my open window, my agony aunt..whom I could turn to, and so I did!
Writing about things made me not only reflect on what had happened but it also gave a channel to pain release.
I felt better.
But the moment some comment hinted towards the slightest bit of sympathy, it angered me, added to my humiliation, clung on to the depression I was going through and made me ponder on the sorry doormat'ish' state I had been rendered.
I would then proceed to post in a superficial update just to make up for it.
I had almost stopped writing fiction because everything I wrote bordered on depression.
I had stopped participating in contests because that would just mean thousands of people reading me and the collective sympathy would just add to my already existing agony.
I had lost my natural instinct to indulge in humorous writing..not to mention, my mind!
I was a depressive mind which strived hard to prove that it could sometimes be 'manic' too (because I thought it was better to be seen as 'bipolar' than as 'chronically depressed').
It was a different thing that I almost always failed to do so.
So, hows that I'm participating in BAT today?
Well, every once in a while, there comes a day of enlightenment in everybody's life...a day which you either choose to notice or choose to ignore.
The one you choose to ignore is the one you never
You live in discontent..until one day, you cant take it anymore.
The want to escape from the pain, the hurt overwhelms you until your heart is totally enveloped by the strong urge to let go.
and then no amount of self persuasion works--because the heart has made its decision!
It wants to break free!!

Getting out of something you have emotionally given your 100% to, is not an easy task.
When I did that, I sure had my initial moments of introspection.
but looking back, I have never felt so free before.
People say they can notice it in my attitude, my writing. I know they are right. I can feel it too.
This stage of my life taught me something about relationships----that its not always about holding on..sometimes its about letting go.and that is one valuable lesson I will never forget.
So you see ladies and gentlemen, that is the story of my life till now and how the meaning of 'free' has changed with the meaning of 'happiness' in every phase.
I know this is not just my story..but the story of almost everyone around here.
Someday when we all break free and meet up there in a more equal world, lets catch up over coffee and talk of the best things in life which actually did come for free, but perhaps passed us by, while we were too busy in the skeptical pursuit of the 'free' lunch that we convinced ourselves, we would never have.
Until then,
Adios Amigos!
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Happy Independence Day!
August 13, 2011
'My favorite PC app'---not a school essay, mindya!
When I first received an email alert from IndiBlogger announcing the 'My favorite PC app' contest, I was only too happy to participate.
I had just downloaded the 'NOOK for PC' on the computer, a couple of weeks back and here was a chance to brag about it.
Well, all those who know me personally would know what a geek I can be.
Being surrounded by books right from an early age, I can proudly say that 'books' have been my oldest companion.
I remember when I was a kid, summer holidays used to mean frequent trips to the library.
From my pre-teen collection of 'Famous Five', 'The Three Investigators', 'Hardy Boys', 'The Five Findouters', 'Tintin', and 'Sweet Valley' to books by 'Erich Segal', 'Emily Bronte', 'Khalil Gibran', 'Khaled Hosseini', 'Orhan Pamuk' to finally now, a stage wherein I am ready to devour almost any book I set my eyes on (and then burp or puke accordingly), trust me, it has been one hell of a journey.
So when I learnt that I could have all the books I wanted at the click of a button, I was overjoyed.
All my favorite authors in one single place...a whole library of heavy cumbersome books all packed in one easy application, my joy knew no bounds.
I immediately downloaded the 'NOOK' on my PC from the App centre and since then have been enjoying fast and easy access to all my favorite books---a treat that any avid reader would love to experience.
Beyond all doubt, the 'NOOK' has to be my favorite 'PC App'
Supported Operating Systems for the NOOK app (you can download for free from the intel appcentre)
* Windows 7 32 bit
* Windows 7 64 bit
* Windows XP
Apart from speed and easy accessibility, the other highlights of this application are--
1) You can now enjoy a great selection of over 2 million titles to choose from (a ready made library)..and even download more.
2) It enables you to automatically sync your last page and bookmarks to any other device with a NOOK eReading application.
3)You can add notes as you read, highlight those quotes close to your heart and bookmark to continue reading from where you last stopped.
4) You can now sample-read any NOOK Book for FREE and get FREE 14-day NOOK Magazine and NOOK Newspaper trials.
5) You can share as many NOOK Books as you want, with friends and family with exclusive LendMe(TM) technology.
Had my childhood been the age of computers, e-books and NOOK apps, it would have saved me all the trouble of packing up my mini library collection, every time I went holidaying.
Besides it would have also saved me from the torture of being labelled a 'geek' (who weighed much less than the library she carried along) and my family, the back pain from having to carry more than half the load..sigh.
Another added advantage is that I now do not have to lend my books to anyone and fear that they'd end up lost.I hate lending books.more because I'm always worried that people might lose them or never turn up to return them----say what you want, but I guess that would be just one creepy insecurity I'd have to deal with my whole life through if it wasn't for this lifechanging application---"NOOK" :D
Now I can simply use the 'LendMe' technology and share whichever book they want.
Also it would save my book from rough handlers and pesky friends who still use the primitive method of marking pages by folding a small corner at the top (I hate the expression as much as I hate to see a book with 'dog ears'..whatever!)
So bottom line is the 'NOOK app' is a blessing in disguise for all those using a laptop, tablet, or even an old fashioned PC..
After all, a books is one companion that will never leave your side..and just in case you are worrying that it might, when you are too old to carry it around or too weak to read in fine print, your days of worry are over.
With the NOOK app, you can now zoom up your favorite e-book to whatever font size you want and enjoy reading comfortably.
Finally, I will end my post here with the parting words of a wise old woman who lived in a nook of the world wide web (no brownie points for guessing who she is)---Reading is life...give up on reading, give up on life!! *takes a quick bow and returns to her virtual library*
This blog is an entry to the "My Favorite PC App" contest. Check out apps for PC/Netbooks available at the Intel AppUp Center. If you are looking for an opportunity to build and monetize your applications, check out the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program" at the bottom of the post.
If you liked the post, please vote by promoting it here
I had just downloaded the 'NOOK for PC' on the computer, a couple of weeks back and here was a chance to brag about it.
Well, all those who know me personally would know what a geek I can be.
Being surrounded by books right from an early age, I can proudly say that 'books' have been my oldest companion.
I remember when I was a kid, summer holidays used to mean frequent trips to the library.
From my pre-teen collection of 'Famous Five', 'The Three Investigators', 'Hardy Boys', 'The Five Findouters', 'Tintin', and 'Sweet Valley' to books by 'Erich Segal', 'Emily Bronte', 'Khalil Gibran', 'Khaled Hosseini', 'Orhan Pamuk' to finally now, a stage wherein I am ready to devour almost any book I set my eyes on (and then burp or puke accordingly), trust me, it has been one hell of a journey.
So when I learnt that I could have all the books I wanted at the click of a button, I was overjoyed.

All my favorite authors in one single place...a whole library of heavy cumbersome books all packed in one easy application, my joy knew no bounds.
I immediately downloaded the 'NOOK' on my PC from the App centre and since then have been enjoying fast and easy access to all my favorite books---a treat that any avid reader would love to experience.
Beyond all doubt, the 'NOOK' has to be my favorite 'PC App'
Supported Operating Systems for the NOOK app (you can download for free from the intel appcentre)
* Windows 7 32 bit
* Windows 7 64 bit
* Windows XP
Apart from speed and easy accessibility, the other highlights of this application are--
1) You can now enjoy a great selection of over 2 million titles to choose from (a ready made library)..and even download more.
2) It enables you to automatically sync your last page and bookmarks to any other device with a NOOK eReading application.
3)You can add notes as you read, highlight those quotes close to your heart and bookmark to continue reading from where you last stopped.
4) You can now sample-read any NOOK Book for FREE and get FREE 14-day NOOK Magazine and NOOK Newspaper trials.
5) You can share as many NOOK Books as you want, with friends and family with exclusive LendMe(TM) technology.
Had my childhood been the age of computers, e-books and NOOK apps, it would have saved me all the trouble of packing up my mini library collection, every time I went holidaying.
Besides it would have also saved me from the torture of being labelled a 'geek' (who weighed much less than the library she carried along) and my family, the back pain from having to carry more than half the load..sigh.

Now I can simply use the 'LendMe' technology and share whichever book they want.
Also it would save my book from rough handlers and pesky friends who still use the primitive method of marking pages by folding a small corner at the top (I hate the expression as much as I hate to see a book with 'dog ears'..whatever!)
So bottom line is the 'NOOK app' is a blessing in disguise for all those using a laptop, tablet, or even an old fashioned PC..
After all, a books is one companion that will never leave your side..and just in case you are worrying that it might, when you are too old to carry it around or too weak to read in fine print, your days of worry are over.
With the NOOK app, you can now zoom up your favorite e-book to whatever font size you want and enjoy reading comfortably.
Finally, I will end my post here with the parting words of a wise old woman who lived in a nook of the world wide web (no brownie points for guessing who she is)---Reading is life...give up on reading, give up on life!! *takes a quick bow and returns to her virtual library*
This blog is an entry to the "My Favorite PC App" contest. Check out apps for PC/Netbooks available at the Intel AppUp Center. If you are looking for an opportunity to build and monetize your applications, check out the Intel® Atom™ Developer Program" at the bottom of the post.
If you liked the post, please vote by promoting it here
August 12, 2011
"Musings of a wanderer"--Book Review
Title: Musings Of A Wanderer.
Author: Shreya Chatterjee
Publisher: Power Publishers
Price: Rs 100/-
"Musings of a wanderer" is a splendid collection of heart felt verses by Shreya Chatterjee, a writer by profession and a poet at heart.
Born and brought up in the land of 'mishti doi' and 'rasogullas', shreya studied at the G.D Birla Centre For Education, Presidency College Kolkatta and the University of calcutta and has been writing since her school and college days.
She writes mostly in English and Bengali and has had her work published in college mags and other magazines like 'Rohon d'etre' and 'bohnik',
You can read more of her on her blog here.
On reading "Musings of a wanderer", it is impossible to ignore the deep talent amalgamated with a strong passion for writing, that this young soul is blessed with..
Shreya chatterjee has with great success, managed to use her literary abilities to ink out the simple mediocrities of day to day life.
While some poems speak of intense emotions, some manage to tease the small flicker of a feeling we all have encountered at some point in our life.
Each piece though short in length, manages to create a ripple of emotions and makes you reminisce long after you have finished reading it.
Be it through a small line like "Let the night remain the same" (from the poem 'a shower at night') which speaks about holding onto the moment and wanting to never let it go for fear that it will vanish in the monotony of an average reality, or the ending stanza of another brilliant verse which says "Lost roads are still whispering...beckoning me to walk over them", she manages to pick up a thought that you had tucked away and make you ponder on it, all over again.
The down to earth maturity and the free flowing language create an intrigue in the reader, leaving him smiling after every piece...a smile for what had crossed his mind..but perhaps could never express as lucidly.
A few personal favorites from the collection (in no particular order) of 93 and the lines i got struck by---
1) Name of poem: Fiasco of an escapist.
Favorite lines:
My thoughts: The poet has beautifully described the escapist frame of mind.We have all at some point of time, been through this phase, the urge to slip away from reality in that never ending pursuit of happiness.
2) Name of poem: The Waiting
Favorite lines
My Thoughts: How many times have we failed to break the silence due to reluctance of taking the first step?
torn between the if-only's and never-mind's...losing battles that are never fought!
3) Name of poem: Sombre Tales
Favorite lines: picking up a line would spoil the effect of the piece.
My thoughts: The poet speaks about a clandestine love and still maintains the secrecy of the affair.
The half spoken phrases which adorn the poem show a reluctance to narrate the story as it is and yet, the confidence that the air she breathes would whisper their tale.
All in all, a beautiful write.
4) Name of the poem: Downcast eyes.
Favorite lines: picking up a favorite line would not do justice to the poem.
My thoughts: Men don't cry...says who?
A poem which will make every woman rethink the next time she calls a man, heartless.
5) Name of poem: Sleepless.
Favorite Lines:
My thoughts: Something every insomniac would relate to, a haunting poem which will make you ponder on the reasons of your sleeplessness and perhaps give you more reason for the same ;)
6)Name of poem: Blood.
Favorite lines:
My Thoughts: a sad ironical take on today's harsh reality and our helplessness to know and yet, be able to do nothing about it..and once again, the same question comes to mind, "Are we really safe?"
7) Name of poem: Wires
Favorite lines: Picking up a favorite line would fail to render it, the desired perspective.
My thoughts: A heart wrenching take on love beyond enemy lines.
Reading it makes just one thought come to mind---love has no boundaries!!
8) Name of poem: To be a woman.
Favorite lines:
My thoughts: a piece which reminds you of Elvis Costello's "she"..Shreya Chatterjee has rightly captured the heartwarming yet soulstirring journey in the life of a woman :)
9) Name of poem: Breaking.
Favorite Lines: loved the impact the entire poem created.
My Thoughts: Sometimes out thoughts are misunderstood..our actions misinterpreted.
"Breaking" speaks of the clear difference in the thought processes and ego clash between martians and venutians..and how an emotional crisis can cause both to lose clarity of the situation.
10) Name of poem:Sudden Shower.
Favorite Lines:
My Thoughts: There are times in life, when opportunity knocks unexpected..when light shimmers in at the darkest moments..when all of a sudden, wishes are granted when they are least expected.
"Sudden Shower" is based on the above experience wherein the poet has given up all hope only to find, by a twist of fate, her dream fulfilled.
Of course there are other pieces which make your heart skip a beat..which manage to get a lump in your throat..and make you sigh.
In short, the book might look pretty simple and straight..but its only when you read it with full concentration, that you get to notice the writer's inspiring insight in the normal events and emotions of day to day life..
However having said all of the above, here are a few minor deficiencies which require mentioning--
1) The index of poems could be well categorized into distinct sections based on the topics/labels.
This would enable the reader to select his 'read' according to the mind frame he is in.This is of much importance considering it is a collection of poems and poetry is something which can only be appreciated if read in the correct frame of mind.
2) There are many places wherein the punctuation seems marred.
This hampers the flow of the poem and makes it difficult for the reader to gauge the continuity in the right places as desired by the writer's perspective.
Other then these minor forgivable complaints, I find no other fault in the series.
The book ends on a lovely note, "we shall meet in a place" which speaks of innocence and hope..of living in a perfect world..of freedom..of a new day to come.
I'm glad I got a chance to read this book, and I know I will surely pick it up from my bookshelf whenever i'm feeling down--to read and learn from these innocent musings of an insightful wanderer, once again.
Book rating: 3.5 out of 5
This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at BlogAdda. Participate now to get free books!
Author: Shreya Chatterjee
Publisher: Power Publishers
Price: Rs 100/-

Born and brought up in the land of 'mishti doi' and 'rasogullas', shreya studied at the G.D Birla Centre For Education, Presidency College Kolkatta and the University of calcutta and has been writing since her school and college days.
She writes mostly in English and Bengali and has had her work published in college mags and other magazines like 'Rohon d'etre' and 'bohnik',
You can read more of her on her blog here.
On reading "Musings of a wanderer", it is impossible to ignore the deep talent amalgamated with a strong passion for writing, that this young soul is blessed with..
Shreya chatterjee has with great success, managed to use her literary abilities to ink out the simple mediocrities of day to day life.
While some poems speak of intense emotions, some manage to tease the small flicker of a feeling we all have encountered at some point in our life.
Each piece though short in length, manages to create a ripple of emotions and makes you reminisce long after you have finished reading it.
Be it through a small line like "Let the night remain the same" (from the poem 'a shower at night') which speaks about holding onto the moment and wanting to never let it go for fear that it will vanish in the monotony of an average reality, or the ending stanza of another brilliant verse which says "Lost roads are still whispering...beckoning me to walk over them", she manages to pick up a thought that you had tucked away and make you ponder on it, all over again.
The down to earth maturity and the free flowing language create an intrigue in the reader, leaving him smiling after every piece...a smile for what had crossed his mind..but perhaps could never express as lucidly.
A few personal favorites from the collection (in no particular order) of 93 and the lines i got struck by---
1) Name of poem: Fiasco of an escapist.
Favorite lines:
"I am running...
away in search...
of a little peace...
a little escape perhaps...
a little forgotten me...
a little deja vu-away, beyond..."
My thoughts: The poet has beautifully described the escapist frame of mind.We have all at some point of time, been through this phase, the urge to slip away from reality in that never ending pursuit of happiness.
2) Name of poem: The Waiting
Favorite lines
"She stood there
and i waited here
silence breathed
in between."
My Thoughts: How many times have we failed to break the silence due to reluctance of taking the first step?
torn between the if-only's and never-mind's...losing battles that are never fought!
3) Name of poem: Sombre Tales
Favorite lines: picking up a line would spoil the effect of the piece.
My thoughts: The poet speaks about a clandestine love and still maintains the secrecy of the affair.
The half spoken phrases which adorn the poem show a reluctance to narrate the story as it is and yet, the confidence that the air she breathes would whisper their tale.
All in all, a beautiful write.
4) Name of the poem: Downcast eyes.
Favorite lines: picking up a favorite line would not do justice to the poem.
My thoughts: Men don't cry...says who?
A poem which will make every woman rethink the next time she calls a man, heartless.
5) Name of poem: Sleepless.
Favorite Lines:
"I am thinking endless misstatements,
nights creep, crawl, tiptoe away,
i stare bluntly as they pass away,
Sleepless i remain sleepless, forever."
My thoughts: Something every insomniac would relate to, a haunting poem which will make you ponder on the reasons of your sleeplessness and perhaps give you more reason for the same ;)
6)Name of poem: Blood.
Favorite lines:
"Some like Keats have wondered about the redness,
some have just wiped it off,
for fresh blood to ooze out"
My Thoughts: a sad ironical take on today's harsh reality and our helplessness to know and yet, be able to do nothing about it..and once again, the same question comes to mind, "Are we really safe?"
7) Name of poem: Wires
Favorite lines: Picking up a favorite line would fail to render it, the desired perspective.
My thoughts: A heart wrenching take on love beyond enemy lines.
Reading it makes just one thought come to mind---love has no boundaries!!
8) Name of poem: To be a woman.
Favorite lines:
"Gauging me needs a fiery heart,
requires the prowess of a wounded lion.
touch me-a dream not to be fulfilled...
i am wind that never stands still
i am light that stays invisible."
My thoughts: a piece which reminds you of Elvis Costello's "she"..Shreya Chatterjee has rightly captured the heartwarming yet soulstirring journey in the life of a woman :)
9) Name of poem: Breaking.
Favorite Lines: loved the impact the entire poem created.
My Thoughts: Sometimes out thoughts are misunderstood..our actions misinterpreted.
"Breaking" speaks of the clear difference in the thought processes and ego clash between martians and venutians..and how an emotional crisis can cause both to lose clarity of the situation.
10) Name of poem:Sudden Shower.
Favorite Lines:
"a drop and another followed
i had given up hope...
and now my shower
has returned
with full vigor."
My Thoughts: There are times in life, when opportunity knocks unexpected..when light shimmers in at the darkest moments..when all of a sudden, wishes are granted when they are least expected.
"Sudden Shower" is based on the above experience wherein the poet has given up all hope only to find, by a twist of fate, her dream fulfilled.
Of course there are other pieces which make your heart skip a beat..which manage to get a lump in your throat..and make you sigh.
In short, the book might look pretty simple and straight..but its only when you read it with full concentration, that you get to notice the writer's inspiring insight in the normal events and emotions of day to day life..
However having said all of the above, here are a few minor deficiencies which require mentioning--
1) The index of poems could be well categorized into distinct sections based on the topics/labels.
This would enable the reader to select his 'read' according to the mind frame he is in.This is of much importance considering it is a collection of poems and poetry is something which can only be appreciated if read in the correct frame of mind.
2) There are many places wherein the punctuation seems marred.
This hampers the flow of the poem and makes it difficult for the reader to gauge the continuity in the right places as desired by the writer's perspective.
Other then these minor forgivable complaints, I find no other fault in the series.
The book ends on a lovely note, "we shall meet in a place" which speaks of innocence and hope..of living in a perfect world..of freedom..of a new day to come.
I'm glad I got a chance to read this book, and I know I will surely pick it up from my bookshelf whenever i'm feeling down--to read and learn from these innocent musings of an insightful wanderer, once again.
Book rating: 3.5 out of 5
This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at BlogAdda. Participate now to get free books!
August 08, 2011
A not-so-formal invite to THE big day...
I have good news for you. *throws secretive looks all around*
Ok, for all those who assumed I'm getting hitched from the title of the post in your google feeds and rushed to my blog to read about it, I dont blame you. :D :D
This was actually just a cheap trick of getting you all to come here and read my post..heehee
and no, this is not about my marriage..this is something much more important.ahem!
So brace yourself, ladies and gentlemen as I proudly announce thaaaaaaat
my long awaited baby is arriving in India on the 10th of august 2011...finally!!!!!
*drum rolls in the background*
Do not miss the live webcast of the launch.
Be there...
Be with me...
Celebrate my euphoria...
*throws confetti in the air followed by a sheepish shrug and facepalm*
On a slightly more formal note (for you to understand the seriousness of the situation and err..of course, my sentiments too..ahem!), all of you are cordially invited to the auspicious occasion of the live official webcast launch on the
AUSPICIOUS DAY--- 10th august 2011.
AUSPICIOUS TIME--12.00pm to 2.00pm
VENUE---my blog 'nostalgic moments'
No RSVP permitted please
Presents in blessings and 'clicks' only (though bouts of generosity and affection involving someone gifting me a SGT [Samsung Galaxy Tab] will be most welcome)
Here's a sneak peek--just for you,
Featuring a 10.1-inch display, the new Tab runs on Android Honeycomb, an nVIDIA Tegra 2 processor clocked at 1GHz, 1GB of RAM with 16/32/64 GB variants for internal storage.
It has the added feature of dual cameras--3.0MP on the rear and 2.0 MP on the front.
The SGT 10.1 is slimmer than the iPad 2 (8.6 mm) and has a 7,000 mAh battery that is good enough for playing 72 hours of music.
OK..that's enough for now. I wont kill the suspense. You will have to wait for the launch to know more of my hero.
Till then watch this space, spread the word and count the hours while I dream about THE big day.
P.S: (This post is written as a part of the 'Samsung Mobiler's Contest' held by IndiBlogger for the month of August.)
The webcast video will be streamed on 10th August. So please update your calenders and phones and adjust your schedules to grace the occasion.
(For those who still think I'm kidding, I promise you I'm serious as HELL If buying a SGT doesn't fit your interest, at least gifting it to someone should. Huh? Huh?*bats eyelashes*)
Ok, for all those who assumed I'm getting hitched from the title of the post in your google feeds and rushed to my blog to read about it, I dont blame you. :D :D
This was actually just a cheap trick of getting you all to come here and read my post..heehee
and no, this is not about my marriage..this is something much more important.ahem!
So brace yourself, ladies and gentlemen as I proudly announce thaaaaaaat
my long awaited baby is arriving in India on the 10th of august 2011...finally!!!!!
*drum rolls in the background*
Do not miss the live webcast of the launch.
Be there...
Be with me...
Celebrate my euphoria...
*throws confetti in the air followed by a sheepish shrug and facepalm*
On a slightly more formal note (for you to understand the seriousness of the situation and err..of course, my sentiments too..ahem!), all of you are cordially invited to the auspicious occasion of the live official webcast launch on the
AUSPICIOUS DAY--- 10th august 2011.
AUSPICIOUS TIME--12.00pm to 2.00pm
VENUE---my blog 'nostalgic moments'
No RSVP permitted please
Presents in blessings and 'clicks' only (though bouts of generosity and affection involving someone gifting me a SGT [Samsung Galaxy Tab] will be most welcome)
Here's a sneak peek--just for you,

Featuring a 10.1-inch display, the new Tab runs on Android Honeycomb, an nVIDIA Tegra 2 processor clocked at 1GHz, 1GB of RAM with 16/32/64 GB variants for internal storage.
It has the added feature of dual cameras--3.0MP on the rear and 2.0 MP on the front.
The SGT 10.1 is slimmer than the iPad 2 (8.6 mm) and has a 7,000 mAh battery that is good enough for playing 72 hours of music.
OK..that's enough for now. I wont kill the suspense. You will have to wait for the launch to know more of my hero.
Till then watch this space, spread the word and count the hours while I dream about THE big day.
P.S: (This post is written as a part of the 'Samsung Mobiler's Contest' held by IndiBlogger for the month of August.)
The webcast video will be streamed on 10th August. So please update your calenders and phones and adjust your schedules to grace the occasion.
(For those who still think I'm kidding, I promise you I'm serious as HELL If buying a SGT doesn't fit your interest, at least gifting it to someone should. Huh? Huh?*bats eyelashes*)
August 06, 2011
All For You

When twilight drops her silky scarf,
and your chosen path turns around a bend,
remember il'l be there for you,
just in case you need a friend.
When the sunshine stands peeping out,
and those faded memories cross your mind,
hold on to them--don't let them go,
turn and you'll find me right behind.
When the morning frenzy kicks right in,
and the rest of the day seems all a haze,
close your eyes and il'l be there,
to remind you that it's just a phase.
When the noon is rough and evening low,
and life has put you to the test,
don't stoop and bow, or bend and break,
just keep walking, and give your best.
When the moon seems harsh & the night feels cold,
and time refuses you sleep to lend,
remember il'l be there for you,
just in case you need a friend.
August 01, 2011
turnoffs list #1----Mind Your Language!
I was talking to a blogger, the other day and he suggested that i should write up a list of what things/traits in people annoy that those who find themselves in the list stay away from me right at the start, to avoid future disappointment and war cry..
i guess he was joking or perhaps he was being sarcastic..but i kinda liked the idea..
So here i am, presenting to you all, my first list of turnoff's *drumrolls*
and though im aware that at the end of this series im writing (yea, this is just the first list..heehee) i might be pretty friend'less', i will still take the risk and go ahead with it..sigh!
Please take it with a pinch of salt and do not feel offended---you can concentrate on the bright side instead, atleast you would now know how 'not' to impress me--tadaaa!! ;)
so here's the first list----'mind your language!!'
1) when someone messes up with grammar while speaking..esp if its inserting the present continuous form of the adjective eg "you liking this? you liking that" and so on.
2) when someone tries to use words like "footwear" and "clothing" for "shoes" and "clothes"
3) major turnoff would be someone combining 1 & 2 and coming up with something along the lines of "YOU LIKING MY FOOTWEAR?"
please note--this was actually said to me by a stranger in one of london's topmost shoe stores...just when i was so close to getting all impressed with her style of dressing, she walked up to me all smiles (happy to see another indian face i guess).What then followed, was one of the most disastrous conversations which included a ruthless cold blooded blood curdling murder of english and a line which stuck in my head for posterity--"you liking my footwear??" she asked tossing her head back with what could have been easily mistook as the attitude of a hollywood starlet.
and that was it!! Even the fact that she was a fellow indian & the only familiar desi face around, didn't help..i was majorly put off..managed a fake smile & something that looked some what close to a affirmative nod and scurried off.
4) when someone mispronounces "bear" as "beer"
more than put off, im terrified of such people..terrified for dear life..let me explain.
Imagine if you are caught up in the wild dangerous jungles of south africa with one such a person.
Just when you have started consoling yourself that there is hope of getting out alive, she/he screams "LOOK!! BEE-YEAR BEHIND YOU!!!!!"
Now considering the sorry pronunciation, it is very likely that you get all excited & do a mental joy-dance in your head before turning around in anticipation of the chilled golden liquid and actually getting a heart attack.
See!! that is exactly why such people put me off!!
5) people who mix up genders while speaking..this category also involves people who, in a desperate attempt to sound cool, use phrases like "dudeeeeee" even if its a dudette in question..
also, people speaking 'tapori' (if you know what i mean) hindi & to some extent the 'stereotyped bengali' hindi also manage to tick me off (please note---ive specifically mentioned "stereotyped" as i know quite a many bengalis who can give hindi pundits a run for their money...besides, unlike the former 'sadakchhap tapori's' of maximum city, they do not take pride in murdering the language & are almost apologetic---a trait i find quite humble & cute.
6) when people use words like 'fcuk' to express their degree of frustration..nowadays most use it just cos they think its cool..replacing it with 'phhish' or 'what the fishing tank' (yea, that is the latest moronic version, that ive heard).
people who think, using expletives is cool, ought to really go for 'grey cell transplant' or something..its not routinely done on earth..but im sure there are more like me, who are willing to fund their transport charges.
7) not to forget the high pitched pseudo accented i just cant stand those!!
Most often than not, the accent is picked up after staying a couple of months in UAE or S'pore or something.
ok, if it has obviously brushed onto you after staying light years in some foreign land, it is still acceptable...but cmon, two weeks back you leave the airport muttering a 'hanumaan chaalisa' under your breath and then you come back after a fortnight acting all 'phirang' is just so damn hilarious..
ohh & needless to mention, a total just shows me how embarrassed you are about where you come from.
8) and lastly but not the least, people with halitosis...i mean, the least they can do is have a listerine mouth wash, before talking to me.

or else they ought not expect me not to
---run away.
---puke right infront of them.
---keep mum and carefully open out a tissue/wipe which to their embarrassment & much to the amusement of people around, hold it over my face, every time they open their mouth to say something.
---all of the above in ascending.
yeah, ive got a sensitive system like that...and im no Siegfried to handle the situation!! :-|
This category also involves those who are naturally inclined to blow off spit bubbles in your face, as they speak..just one word for this group---EYUCKKKKK!!!!!
ok i know that the last category does not really justify as a 'mind your language' point.but i seriously think these people are better off with their mouth shut, atleast until they do something about it.sigh!!
hmmmm...i guess that is about all as far as 'speech' is concerned...we will come to the other departments later ;)
soooooooooooo, until we meet again (with turnoffs list #2), watch the space...
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