Whispering clouds and thundering skies,
lightening dazzles the night so shy,
as I wander lonely on the street,
I notice people around me scurrying by...
The pitter-patter of these drops of rain
The scent of the earth much divine
The musical sway of leaves on trees
Wild flowers with a freshness that shines...
I meet a girl with olive skin,
with a smile that does not meet the eye,
a deep sadness she must harbour there,
her heart seems burdened by a lie...
In silence as I watch her restrain,
I wonder how she hides her pain,
and then it dawns on me--she is trying,
but in the rain, who can see her crying?
Next, I meet a man complaining,
who frets and sulks because its raining,
talks about the muck and mud,
like an angry cow chews cud...
I notice his shirt---its dirty now,
a car has splashed a puddle somehow,
his mood is foul, his anger fair,
it's raining, but he does not care...
As I walk by another lane,
I see a man with his lady love,
sheltering her from the lashing wind,
a match made by the heavens above...
Dancing and jumping mad with glee,
soaking wet and drenched insane,
I greet them, children of innocent age,
oblivious to worry or worldy gain...
Someone trying to hide his pain,
someone revealing his disdain,
sometimes a blessing, for some a bane,
it's a wave of magic---this January rain!
Writers note: There was a sudden downpour in my head, and as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow rightfully said, "The best thing one can do when its raining is to let it rain" ;)
A refreshing array of words...liked it !!
nice and refreshing post!!
Beautifully written! :)
Rain always brings the best out of poets :)
Extremely beautiful Pri :)
aah this january rain!..but its not raining here!
Beautifully crafted!!
Nice downpour of those 'misty' words.........very well written.
Thanks for sharing.
wow what a beautiful poem :)
Magical :) and u made my day darling :)
And here I am, waiting for them to drop by here too :)
Send a few clouds this way too doc.
Blasphemous Aesthete
@ elixir of life
thankyou :)
@ richa
gracias! :)
@ serendipity
thanks dear..i think rain brings out the best in everyone---poets and non poets alike ;)
@ ana treek
ummm...you want me to send some?
frankly, it just drizzled for a day.but caused quite a downpour in my head :D
@ vyankatesh
danke! long time :)
@ anonymous
always a pleasure :)
@ lady whispers
im flattered i did :)
@ anshul
okies...on their way! ;-)
One of the best I have read on rains..and its effect on people...and this January rain definitely showered some blessing on to you.. :-)
The last verse sums it up perfectly.. :-)
Thank you and Good Luck for rest of the year..
beautifully written...loved those rhymes...keep penning :)
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